18| The Consequences of Cat Hairs

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Estella lurked in the deserted Entrance Hall after Christmas tea, waiting for Crabbe and Goyle, who had remained alone at the Slytherin table, shovelling down fourth helpings of trifle.

Harry and Ron(Hermione was tending to the potion in the bathroom) craned their necks around the corner of the nearest corridor as Estella situated herself behind a suit of armour next to the front door.

The cupcakes felt firm in her hands, though Estella worried that she would crush them with how tightly she was holding onto them.

Her eyes remained trained on the entrance to the Great Hall, ready to act as soon as she so much as spotted a fingertip crossing the boundary.

As expected, a few seconds later, Crabbe and Goyle came lumbering out of the Hall, joking and laughing.

Carefully setting the cupcakes on a low ledge by the base of the suit of armour, Estella took out her ashwood wand. 

"Okay," she murmured quietly to herself, "You've done this before. Just swish and flick, swish and flick." 

You said you would help. You said you could do it. Don't let them down. Do it!

With that, she whispered the words, "Wingardium Leviosa", and the cupcakes went flying straight into Crabbe and Goyle's view.

Crabbe gleefully pointed out the cakes to Goyle and they lunged for them, Estella only just dropping the spell as their hands engulfed the chocolate cakes.

Grinning stupidly, they stuffed the cakes whole into their large mouths, chewing greedily. For a moment, matching looks of triumph lit up their faces. Then, without the smallest change of expression, they both keeled over backwards onto the floor.

"Yes!" Estella cheered, leaping out from behind the suit of armour. She knelt down beside them, making sure they were truly asleep before calling Harry and Ron out.

"You did it!" Harry celebrated, giving her an enthusiastic high five. 

"Nice one Stella," Ron commented lightheartedly. "Remind me not to get on your bad side."

Estella swatted playfully at him. "I didn't do much- it was just a levitation charm." Still, despite her attempts to remain humble, a smile spread fast and true across her face. "Here, help me hide them."

As simple as the plan was, the most difficult bit was hiding Crabbe and Goyle in the cupboard across the hall.

Harry and Ron did most of the lifting, while Estella tried using 'Wingardium Leviosa' on them, which did indeed make them lighter and easier to carry.

Once they were safely stowed amongst the buckets and mops, Harry and Ron pulled out several of their hairs.

"Wait," said Estella suddenly as the boys turned to leave, "You should take their shoes too. You own won't be big enough."

Nodding, the boys double-backed and carefully slid their shoes off, with much groaning and revolted looks from Ron.

Finally, they stood back up and marched meaningfully towards the door. Estella hurried after them.

"What?" said Ron, slightly annoyed, slightly incredulous. "You don't expect us to take their robes too, do you?"

"No," Estella replied, scrunching her nose in disgust, "I'm coming with you."

"What?" Ron cried, appalled.

"Stella, I thought you were going to stay here and watch these two," Harry frowned, gesturing to Crabbe and Goyle who were becoming ever more so in danger of hitting the floor.

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