34| Crookshanks

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"Now remember, you have to stay with the Weasleys. Don't go running off." Mr Granger implored.

"You have to be careful," Mrs Granger continued. "You both saw that news report about Sirius Black. Besides, if he really is a wizard like your newspaper suggests, then you two could be in even more danger."

"We know mum," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"We'll be careful," Estella assured them, hugging her parents.

It was the day before September the first and the Grangers were inside the Leaky Cauldron, Mr and Mrs Granger saying goodbye before returning back home.

They had agreed to let Estella and Hermione stay in the inn overnight and catch the Hogwarts Express with the Weasleys the day after.

Estella suspected that had their parents not known Mr and Mrs Weasley - having met them the year prior - they would not have complied with this arrangement.

After coming back from their France trip, they had seen several news reports regarding potential updates and consistent reassurances on one Sirius Black, an apparent mass murderer on the Muggle news.

This news was made even worse when an owl swooped in with a Daily Prophet one day, featuring a moving image of Black on the front page.

Estella could still remember the way her mother had shrieked at the sight and how she had to be calmed down with a strong cup of lavender tea.

Presently, Mrs Granger was fussing over Estella's shirt, fixing the collar and smoothing her hair.

"Don't worry Mum," she consoled, "we'll be careful."

Mrs Granger gave her daughter a wry look and chuckled softly. "That doesn't stop me from worrying. You are my daughter after all."

"I know," Estella smiled, trying to make a happy expression cross her mother's face again.

"Alright Lottie," said Mr Granger. "We have to go."

Mrs Granger's smile drooped and she extended her arms as if she wanted to wrap her daughters into a hug and never let go.

She finally surrendered. "Stay safe dears," she said.

Mr Granger gave one of his infamous smiles and the two of them departed.

"Okay," said Estella, steeling herself, "let's go find Ron."

They walked around the establishment for a while until they reached a 'front desk' of sorts.

The seven Weasleys stood with Tom the Barman as they negotiated rooms.

"Ah, there you two are," Mrs Weasley said with a nurturing smile, beckoning them over. "Now, we've sorted all your rooms- Tom here's managed to put you and Ron on the same floor as Harry."

"Thanks, Mrs Weasley," Hermione and Estella said at the same time.

Mr Weasley came over, chuckling. "Just like Fred and George, aren't you?"

"It's our twin sync," Estella said solemnly.

"Couldn't have put it better ourselves," said an echoed voice and Fred and George appeared.

"Fred, George," Mrs Weasley greeted with a clasp of her hands, "can you help Ginny with taking her trunk upstairs?" 

They nodded.

"And where's Percy...?"

"Probably polishing his Head Boy badge," Fred said, rolling his eyes.

Mrs Weasley turned to Estella and Hermione. "Oh yes, have you heard-"

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