Chapter 12: You're mine!

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It’s no surprise that when Xiao Baozi drank the powdered milk he made a complete mess and barfed everywhere. Shao Qing had only taken one bite, but was already ready to tear out her stomach. Li Jing seeing her reaction promptly asked: “Is my cooking really bad?”

“No, it’s just that recently my stomach hasn’t been feeling too well.” Shao Qing was unable to elaborate more. Li Jing narrowed his eyes then lightly laughed. “Even if your stomach isn’t feeling well, you should should still eat some stuff. If you don’t eat, how could your body get better?”

“No.” At this moment, Shao Qing only had one thought in her mind and that was to puke out everything in her stomach. “Sorry for the bother today. It’s not your cooking skills, I just really can’t eat anymore. Another day, invite me to try your cooking skills again.”

Watching Shao Qing want to leave, Li Jing hurriedly replied. “If you don’t want to eat these things, how about eating some fruit? I have a lot of fresh apples here, you can wait here. I’ll bring you some.”

Not waiting for Shao Qing’s rejections, he went inside to go grab it. Shao Qing without any other option sat down once again. Her stomach churning, she really just wanted to puke.

Holding two bright red apples in his hand and a cluster of bright green grapes, he handed Shao Qing an apple. “You can bring the grapes for the baby to eat.”

“Originally, Shao Qing was going to reject his offer, but her stomach was too difficult to bear so she received them. “I’m really not feeling well right now. Another day I’ll invite you out to eat.”

Li Jing’s eyes flashed with a hidden gleam of happiness. He thought that the medicine that he had secretly served to Shao Qing had worked, thus he continuously urged Shao Qing to stay.

Shao Qing was soon about to throw up on his face, even her smiling expression couldn’t be maintained any longer. “I’m leaving first.” Ignoring Li Jing’s obstruction of her to leave she quickly left a few words and departed.

Once departed, Shao Qing immediately felt Li Jing following from behind. Not saying a word she quickly increased her pace, using her pursuing technique that she had trained for many years, she easily threw off Li Jing.

Once she threw off Li Jing, Shao Qing immediately found a corner and puked everything out, whatever amount she ate was whatever amount she threw up. After vomiting, Shao Qing began to worry about the quilt covered Xiao Baozi. Wiping her mouth and taking some mineral spring water to rinse out her mouth, she prepared to set off.

After walking a few steps, she saw a familiar figure walking out from a tent. As before, his well built back was visible and showed off his powerful lower back.

He also discovered Shao Qing, his body becoming rigid. Looking at his body, she realized there were quite a few new wounds.

There were even more bruises on his body.

Shao Qing was originally planning on leaving, but when her gaze met the deep pair of eyes of the man, she stopped her steps. The man seemed to hesitate a bit, after a long while did he let out a low voice asking: “Da ren, do you still need some able-bodied workers?”

[Da ren = title of respect towards superiors]

Shao Qing faintly knitted her eyebrows. Her eyes falling onto the man’s bruised and scarred chest, sneering: “Asking a single woman if they need some able-bodied worker in the middle of the night, aren’t you scared I’ll let my imaginations run wild and really want you to do some ‘extra labour’?”

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