They protect you

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Inuyasha:You had decided to go on a walk on your own to take a break from everyone. You weren't paying any attention to what was happening around you as you stopped to collect flowers for Haru when you got back. Inuyasha had followed you but very quietly when he saw a demon sneaking up on you about to attack as he killed it slicing its head off which caught your attention turning around seeing the dead demon and Inuyasha standing over it. So you got up and gave Inuyasha a peck on the cheek as a thank you as you guys walked back together.

Koga:As you were playing with the wolves outside with Sara and the other children in the clan you guys decided to play hide and seek. You were the one counting when a demon went to attack you from behind but Koga killed it secretly so you would never know. You went to find all the kids then went home to the cave greeting Koga with a kiss on the cheek as you knew he saved you because you could sense him being near but you played it off like you didn't know as you ate dinner with Sara.

Sesshomaru:It was when you were alone from everyone as you wandered off and they didn't seem to notice you left. A demon was following you around as you wandered around picking flowers along with berries for the kids. You sensed Sesshomaru near and heard a thud so you turned around seeing a huge demon on the ground dead with slashes all through its body then looked up seeing Sesshomaru there. He walked over to you, picking you then flew back to the group now he kept an eye on you to make sure you didn't wander off again.

Miroku:Now Miroku didn't protect you from a demon, he protected you from a man trying to follow you. So you were walking through the village carrying a basket of food to bring back to the gang. A guy had been following you the whole time but you hadn't noticed because you were in your own world, so Miroku was walking with Inuyasha when they saw you then the man following so Miroku hurried over and knocked the guy out with his staff  then Miroku had Inuyasha move the body. Miroku decided to follow you then catch up to you holding your hand.

Naraku:You were walking outside the mansion as you wanted to get some fresh air and to get a moment alone but what you didn't see was that another demon had gotten close to you as you weren't playing any attention to what was behind you. Naraku walked out of the castle to check on you he saw the other demon and almost instantly killed the demon and got rid of the body. You turned around to see the demon die and Naraku get rid of the body so you looked at him smiling and giving him a kiss. You went inside to check on the twins and he followed you after fixing the bubble around it to make sure no other demons could get in.

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