The childs reaction walking in on you fighting

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Inuyasha:Haru was shocked. He didn't know what to do so He started crying making you and Inuyasha stop. You guys apologize to each other then make it up to Haru.

Koga:Ai Didn't like it. She told you guys to stop. You guys said Sorry to each other then Helped Ai feel better. You didn't expect her to walk in though.

Sesshomaru:Kenji hated it but Just Whined which caught Yours and Sesshomarus Attention real quick. You guys helped him feel better. You guys had stopped arguing so it didn't upset Kenji anymore.

Miroku:Sara cried causing You,Miroku,Sango,Kagome and Inuyasha look at her then you helped her feel better after you and Miroku said Sorry to each other. You explained that fighting is gonna happen.

Naraku:well The twins are babies so they can't walk in

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