You realize you like him

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Inuyasha:You were walking around with the group and Inuyasha was being nice for once and you giggle at him then keep walking blushing slightly while looking at Inuyasha and Kagome said"Oh Y/N I think you might a have a crush" You roll your eyes and keep walking.

Koga:You roll your eyes at Inuyasha because he was making fun of Koga and you say"Let him be Inuyasha" Inuyasha rolls his eyes then keeps walking and Koga smiles at you and leaves. You blush slightly and keep walking then Kagome teased you slightly.

Sesshomaru:You were walking with Kagomes group again but you wanted to be with Sesshomaru but you didn't tell anyone scared they'd judge you. After a while you told Kagome how you feel and she giggled then said"Y/N I think you have a crush on Sesshomaru" You blush and think then say"M-Maybe" She hugs you then says"It'll be ok Y/N"

Miroku:You were walking with Sango through the village when You saw Miroku flirting with The Village girls and they were all so excited so you rolled your eyes and walked over to Miroku and smack him on the head and he said"Ow" then he looked at you and nervously chuckled so You and Sango walked away and you ranted to her and she said"Y/N are you sure you don't like that Perverted monk?" You froze and blushed then said"N-No never!" She laughed and said"Mhm sure"

Naraku:You noticed Yourself staring at him quiet a lot then also when he came back badly injured you felt bad and hurried to help him so once he wasn't as badly injured you went to the room you had and sat down thinking and you realized you liked him but You didn't wanna say anything.

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