Chapter 23

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Hannah runs down the hall, full of excitement, while I follow behind her. I stop momentarily when I hear my phone buzzing from my purse. I take it out to see my father is calling me. I press decline, and as I put it back in my purse, a hand lands on my shoulder. I  let out a high-pitched squeak and turn to see Oliver trying not to laugh.

Oliver: "Hey, sorry I was running a little late."

Elizabeth: "Ollie, what the hell."

I playfully slap his arm.

Elizabeth: "Why'd you have to scare me like that?"

Oliver: "I didn't mean to, but I'm glad I did."

He kisses me, and I kiss him back.

Elizabeth: "We should probably go inside."

Oliver: "Yeah, we should."

We kiss again.

Elizabeth: "We don't seem to be going in."

We laugh as we kiss again but separate when we hear someone running down the hall. I look over to see Hannah running toward us.

Hannah: "Daddy!"

Oliver: "Hey, Hannah."

She runs into his arms, and he picks her up and hugs her while kissing her cheek. When he puts her down, she grabs my hand and Oliver's and pulls us toward Laurel & Tommy's apartment.

Hannah: "Come on, come on, I wanna  see Uncle Tommy."

Elizabeth: "Alright, we're coming."

We follow her to the door, which she quickly knocks on, and Tommy opens it.

Tommy: "Welcome."

Hannah: "Uncle Tommy!"

Tommy: "Hey Hannah-Banana."

She hugs his legs and then hands him her gift.

Hannah: "Happy birthday, Uncle Tommy!"

Tommy: "Thank you, munchkin. I bet this is another fantastic Hannah Queen original drawing, isn't it."

Hannah: "How did you know?"

Tommy: "With my amazing mind-reading powers."

He kisses her head and hugs her. She then runs over to Laurel as Ollie gives him his gift, and we step inside.

Oliver: "This is for you."

Tommy: "Thank you."

They hug.

Tommy: "Um, oh, this feels like a Chateauneuf-du-Pape."

Oliver: "It's gonna taste like one too."

Tommy: "You are a true friend. Thank you."

I hand him mine as I hug him.

Elizabeth: "And I bet you can't guess what your amazing sister got for you."

He smiles as he tests out the weight of the bottle bag.

Tommy: "Could my favorite family member have possibly gotten a Single Malt Scotch Whisky?"

Elizabeth: "From 1918."

Tommy: "You are the best sister ever. Thank you."

We follow Tommy into the dining room, where Laurel awaits us with Hannah.

Laurel: "Ollie, hi."

She hugs him.

Oliver: "Hi."

Laurel: "Liz, I'm so glad you two could make it."

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