come over- hayden!!

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i wrote this like as if star wars was filmed in 2023 not the early 2000s. enjoy!!

y/n pov:

i laid in bed staring at the ceiling. i couldn't fall asleep due to feeling sad. after just looking at the ceiling, i rolled over and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. i went straight to my contacts and facetimed hayden. hayden🫶🏻. that's when i finally looked at the clock. 3:43am. shit he's probably asleep. to my surprise he actually answered and i was met with his handsome face.

"hello?" he said sleepily.

"hi" i answered with.

"what's wrong?"

"just couldn't sleep, kinda sad you know? sorry i woke you up" i could see his tired eyes and messy hair. he looked so pretty in the low light. me and hayden were a thing. but not to anyone's knowledge. or even to ours. it was very clear we were into each other, we both knew. but we just thought it would be best to stay close friends due to our work situation. we were both starring in star wars. he played anakin and i played padme.

"i'm sorry your sad" he said in a raspy voice.



"can you come over?" i asked but quickly added "please?" he sat up rubbing his blue eyes.

"sure" he stood up and flipped on the light. i was a little surprised he actually said yes. he looked so tired i thought he would just tell me to go to sleep and hung up.

"wait" i said stopping him before he got ready to leave "please let me see you" i said wanting to see him in his cute sleepy state. he rubbed the back of his neck and put his phone against something on his nightstand, facing him. he took a couple steps back not saying anything. he was wearing nothing but plaid pj pants. his abs really showed right now. i could see his v line, due to his low hanging pants. his hair was messy and he looked overall

exhausted. but god he looked beautiful.

"thank you" i said quietly as he picked up his phone.

"you only wanted to see this didn't you?" he chuckled and turned his phone towards his abs.

"no of course not" i lied. he chuckled again at my response

"i'll see you soon, bye bye" he said and we hung up. me and him were in a weird place. sometimes he would hold me or kiss my forehead or cheeks. i would kiss his neck lightly. we hung out almost every day and had kissed on set, but rarely did we ever actually kiss off camera. he would sometimes spend the night at my house and vice versa. sometimes we got lunch or dinner, which the paparazzi absolutely ate up. but we always just said we were best friends hanging out.

after about twenty minutes i heard my front door open. i had given him a key a few months back, when this all started.

hayden pov:

i opened the door to y/ns apartment with the key she gave me a few months ago. i was more than eager to see her beautiful face but i tried as hard as i could to be calm. i slowly opened the door to her almost dark room. there was light from red led lights.

"hii" she said excitedly as i crawled into bed next to her.

"hi" i responded pulling her into a hug. she sunk into my arms and i laid on my back with her on top of me. she smelled good. my right hand tangled into her hair as my left met her side. her arms were wrapped around me. i could stay like this forever. i slowly moved my left hand up and down her side and back, rubbing circles with my thumb.

"stop moving your hand" she mumbled, and i stopped still rubbing circles with my thumb.

"why" i asked, disappointed and confused.

"it's tickling me" she confessed moving her head to look at me. "and it makes it hard to sleep if i'm being tickled."

i let a few sweet words slip out."god your so beautiful" she just giggled and kissed my chest through the white tee shirt. "and you smell good" i continued. she kissed my chest again.

"you know i usually sleep with my shirt off, would you mind if i took it off?" she just slid off me and watched me take my shirt off. when i laid back down she put her head on my chest again and kissed my left peck.

"goodnight hayden" she said exhaling.

"goodnight y/n" 

word count:748

sorry i haven't been uploading i've been so busy but hopefully again soon. this one's hella short but sweet sooo

Anakin Skywalker/ Hayden Christensen one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt