different than i expected

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omg more sexy vader😝

i had been working on the death star for quite sometime now, about three months. i was head psych nurse. surprisingly there were a lot of whack jobs on the death star. even though most everything i did was mental, sometimes i would clean up wounds.

it was a late tuesday night and i was walking back to my quarters. on the way there i ran into my supervisor.

"hey y/n! just the person i was looking for" he greeted me enthusiastically. "lord vader wants to see you" his voice quieted down a little bit.

"oh god, am i in trouble?" i asked anxiously. i was a bit confused too because i had no idea what i could have done.

"no of course not. he seems to have fallen and cut himself" he said reading from his chart.

"why does he want me? there are many far more qualified people here" i said, getting more and more confused by the minute.

"just orders, don't ask questions"

i thanked him and went in the opposite direction of my room, towards his. the hallways seemed longer and darker and i felt more anxious the closer i got. i looked down at my black scrubs and hoped they were nice enough. even though it wouldn't make sense if they weren't, given i had gotten them from his employees. everyone wore black or gray. except stormtroopers. my hair was in a low bun and i used hairspray to smooth it down this morning. i wore black converse and hoped he wouldn't be mad.

when i got to his door i knocked twice. then a short white woman answered. she was wearing a little black maid's dress and she beckoned me inside. the room was dark just like the rest of the enormous ship. we walked down a hallway and she opened a door to a beautiful living room. there was a wall of windows and i could see stars for miles. a black coffee table sat on top of a black rug and a black couch was near it. that's when i spotted him. he wore a black robe and the hood covered his face. he had his leg up on the coffee table. his pants were rolled up a bit and i could see an open wound.

"she's here master" the maid said and he looked up. i still couldn't see his face but the maid knew to leave the room and did so. i now was almost shaking, being alone with him.

"come here" he spoke in a deep voice. it sounded strained and i remembered why i was here. he must be in pain. i walked over and stood near the couch. "sit down" he said and i did as i was told. right when i sat, the maid came in holding a first aid kid and a couple small towels.

"thank you" i said taking it from her, it was the first thing i had said since i entered his room. "if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" i said trying to sound as calm as i could.

"i was walking down the stairs and i must have tripped because next thing i knew i was bleeding." he said pointing to his leg. i took one of the towels and handed it to him.

"please press this too your leg." he did as i asked. the wound was right above his knee and about 3 inches long. i took out an alcohol wipe and unfolded it. "this might hurt a little bit, try not to move to much please" i said moving the towel. i then started to wipe the wound. he shifted a little bit at first but eventually got used to it. i saw him grab the towel and squeeze it. his hands were very strong looking and i could see the veins as he gripped the towel.

"ok all done" i stated and put the wipe to the side. i looked through the red first aid box for thread and a needle. "i need it stitch your wound up. is that ok?" i asked once i found what i was looking for.

"yes please" was his simple answer. and i did what was needed. after i had finished i cut the thread and found some gauze wrap. i told him to lift his leg and i wrapped it up.

"your all good" i stated "is there any other wounds i should know about?" i asked looking up at his covered face.

"there is one, it's on my face" i didn't know how to respond. i didn't want to push it with him but i needed to clean it up.

"if you will let me..." i started but he cut me off.

"don't tell anyone" he said and took his hood off. god he was beautiful. his hair was brown and curly coming down a little above his shoulders. he had blue eyes and there was a scar above his right eye. his lips were plump and that's where i saw his gash

"lord vader, i'm sorry but i'm not exactly sure what to do for this cut..." i said and he cut me off once again.

"you will do what you need"

"o-ok, but lord vader i specialize in psych so im not quite sure how to treat this wound. but i can try to get someone else to help you" i offered. his expression changed from pain to slight anger.

"no no i don't want anyone else. do you want to know why i picked you? i already know the answer so don't say anything" he spat out and i just watched. "i picked you because you have been promoted the most in the time you have worked here, out of anyone." i felt a little bit of pride creep into my heart but it quickly left. "i picked you because i have heard nothing but nice things. that your kind, that your smart, that you are good at what you do. do you know these things?" he asked me and i didn't say anything. "answer me"

"y-yes sir" i responded trembling.

"well these are the reasons i picked you. i know there are tons of more qualified people i could have picked for this task, but i picked you. i picked you because i hold some trust and respect in you. so can you help me with my lip or no?" he asked. even though i knew he was mad i couldn't help but find him attractive.

"yes i can sir" i said and he rose an eyebrow. "yes i will sir" i corrected.

"great i knew you could" he said slightly smiling.

i looked through the box trying to figure out what to do. i picked up a small pack of tissues and opened it. i took one out and slowly brought it to his bleeding lip. "can i tell you something?" i quietly asked.

"sure" he responded trying not to move his lip to much, not wanting to inconvenience me.

"your a lot different then i expected" i said. and he let out a chuckle. i took the tissue off his lip and looked at him.

"how did you expect me?" he asked still chuckling.

"i don't know, mean i guess. but your quite nice actually." his face changed and he stopped laughing. then unexpectedly he cupped my face and kissed me. i could taste the blood as he pulled away.

"i- um i-i'm all done wi-with your lip. i really should be going" i said and he just nodded putting his hood back on. as i walked out of the room i smiled to myself. i had just kissed the darth vader. i also hated myself for walking out of the room.

word count:1293

Anakin Skywalker/ Hayden Christensen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now