home late

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heyy! i've been in a slump so this is short but i'll try to write more tonight. hopefully💋

i lay in bed with the comforter kicked to the end of the bed. there was a thin sheet covering my warm body. it was late but i was wide awake. i didn't hear the front door open but my bedroom door burst opened and my handsome husband walked in. he took his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. he then threw his keys on the night stand on his side of the bed. he was clearly annoyed and a little tipsy. more than a little tipsy actually, full blown drunk. he laid down but didn't get under the blanket or touch me.

"nice to see you too" i said in a bitchy tone, a little more bitchy than i wanted but it was fine. i knew that no matter what i said he would be an asshole. me and my husband had be going through a little bit of a rough patch. we got married a little over three years ago. and for about two months now we we're just at each other's throats all the time. i still loved him very much, more than i had ever loved anyone. but he was always coming home late and drunk. but when i did it he would yell at me and we would go to bed angry. i hadn't cuddled with my husband in over a week.

"oh fuck you" he responded. we sat in silence both staring at the ceiling of the dark room.

"where were you?" i asked looking at the clock next to me. "it's almost two" i was worried but he just took it as nagging. he always took it as nagging.


"oh that's so fucking helpful. i was being nice and worrying about you, like i always do. but whatever. goodnight anakin" i moved on my side, so i wasn't facing him.

"goodnight y/n" he said just as firmly as me. it hurt to talk to him like that and to have him talk to me in that way. i always regretted it right after i did it. yes it hurt when he talked to me rudely, but it hurt more when i did it to him. we both eventually fell asleep. not touching, not looking at each other, on opposite sides of the bed.

about an hour later i woke up. i sat up and reached over to my nightstand, grabbing my water bottle. i began to drink from it when i felt a hand grab at my waist. i turned around to see anakin looking up at me.

"please don't leave me" he whispered. "come back to bed, don't leave" my heart shattered knowing that just because i sat up he thought i was leaving.

"i'm not leaving baby, im getting water. i'll lay down in a second." i took my last sip and set the bottle on my bed side table. i laid down and he wrapped his arms around me. this was the most contact i had with him in weeks. he was warm against my body and i immediately relaxed in his arms.

"i love you" he whispered. i could smell the alcohol on his breath but i didn't care. drunk words are sober thoughts right? he kissed my forehead and i brought my hand up to his cheek. that's when i felt the tears. i wiped them from his pink cheeks.

"what's wrong love?" i asked as i rubbed my thumb across his wet face. he let out a soft whimper.

he swallowed loudly before talking. "i know i haven't been treating you very well these past couple months. and i would totally understand if you don't love me or want to leave me. but i can't lose you. i've been going through kind of a lot with the council and instead of telling you i drank my sorrows away. and i'm sorry, i love you" his tears were slowing down and i wrapped my arms around his neck to play with his hair.

"i'll be honest ani, i was hurt about how you were treating me, and your lack of communication. but i promise i never loved you less and i never thought about leaving you. i need you in my life." he kissed my forehead lightly. "i love you so much. and im sorry i can be a bitch"

he chuckled lightly. "your not a bitch, you never were one" his fingers traced circles into my upper arm.

"if you ever need to talk, im here honey. always here" his crying had stopped and his eyes fluttered closed. his breathing was light on my face.

just when i thought he had fallen asleep, he spoke. "thank you. goodnight, my love" he squeezed me tightly to his body and i clung to him. we slept tangled together the whole night. 

word count: 804

Anakin Skywalker/ Hayden Christensen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now