stockholm syndrome pt.2

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omg finally a fucking part two. no i'm so sorry it took so long. i have family in town and i like js finally got out of writer's block and i now have so many ideas so be ready!!! hope y'all like it😋

p.s. i didn't feel like editing this that much so lowkey might not make sense LMAO

my eyes fluttered open to a light room. it was now morning and i was confused on where i was till i remembered. i felt strong arms wrapped around me and i couldn't help but feel flustered. god he was so beautiful. i brushed a strand of dirty blonde hair off of his face. he began to move and i felt bad that i had woken him up. i was no longer scared of him, i knew that he wouldn't hurt me for waking him up. i couldn't stop thinking about what he had said the night before, calling me baby. his eyes came open and he looked at me. he smiled his beautiful sincere smile. i had gathered that he had two smiles, one like this and the other a cocky smirk. he tightened his arms around me and pulled me in, his head now resting on my shoulder.

"good morning" he said in a raspy voice. i felt my body tingle.

"good morning" one of his hands came to snake around my neck pulling me closer to him. i wished i could get even closer to him, but i knew that wasn't possible.

"can i ask you something?" i whispered.


"is there a reason you haven't kissed me yet?" i was beginning to grow tired of waiting. my lips tingled and waited for his, but they never came. "am i not worthy enough of your lips or some dumb shit" i went from being impatient to upset. he didn't say anything he just moved his head so he was looking into my eyes. he then leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. he snuck his tongue into my mouth and left me feeling cold when he pulled away.

"thanks" i said and he just chuckled. he pulled the blankets off himself and stood up.

"we have lots of things to do today" he said looking down at me as i still lay in his bed. i pulled the covers up so i could keep my neck warm. without him there i had grown quite cold.

"like what?" i asked closing my eyes.

"i have a stupid staff party to go to" his voice sounded annoyed, but then he added "and you're my date" my eyes opened again.


"you're my date" he smiled at me.

"what will i wear?"

"i got you a dress and shoes, if you don't like them i'll get you something else" his smile was making me melt into the big black bed so i looked away and the floor. "and i got you makeup" he continued.

"thank you vader" is all i said. he leaned down to kiss my cheek and then left the room. i eventually fell back asleep and slept for longer than i thought. i woke to a hand lightly shaking me.

"wake up" vader said from my side. "it's almost 6. we're leaving at 6:15" i hadn't expected to sleep so long, but i slept all day. it the was first time in what felt like forever, that i had slept in a nice bed. but his bed wasn't just nice, i think i was the most comfortable bed i'd ever been in. i sat up and watched him as he walked over to a black leather chair. he held up a small black dress and black heels.

"these are for you. i hope you like them" i smiled at him and beaconed him over. he brought my things and laid them on the end of the bed before falling into my open arms. i gave him a warm hug. his hands rubbed my back lightly and i wondered how anyone could ever be scared of him. i then pulled away and kissed him passionately. his hands made it to my waist as he deepened the kiss, once again slipping his tongue in my mouth. i pulled away teasing him. he whined at the action.

Anakin Skywalker/ Hayden Christensen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now