JHYC AU Part 1: Mad Love

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Yechan's POV:

        The end of the fanmeeting for my group's 2nd year anniversary was finally over and I could somehow take a break for a while. Then, tomorrow would be my hyung's 28th birthday. Too bad I couldn't treat him with a nice meal on the day of his birthday due to our super hectic schedule since after his birthday, we would hold a fanmeeting for our drama series. In fact, I was so excited to meet our fans (forest) and of course, I was so excited to perform on stage with my beloved hyung. However, something bothered me a lot. It made my blood boil a lot.  During our 2nd year anniversary fanmeeting,  those bitches kept on sliding a piece of paper with their kakao id to Jaehan hyung and I had the urge to rip off their heads right there. Their audacity to take chances that hyung would add them. 

        It was so hard to keep a straight face whenever I saw those stuff. I knew that Jaehan hyung was such a charming man. His smile could surely captivate you especially when he flashed his toothy , snaggle-toothy smile. Oh gosh, it weakened my knees too. It was undeniable that he could attract those bitches and Jaehan hyung as Jaehan hyung, he would be friendly towards them.  In fact, I also had a fair share of fangirls swooning towards me but it was just a job for me after all. I loved our fans but just that line and no more at all. Why? Cause my heart had been dominated by only one person and that was the oldest member of our group , my beloved Jaehan hyung.  I was even surprised of myself why I had this feeling. It all just started in the middle of our filming for our 1st bl series "A Shoulder To Cry On."  I never knew that I could be attracted to the same sex especially to the person whom I looked up the most.  I was confused at first. I thought it was just an effect of the filming, of being too immersed of the character I portrayed.  

        I tried to go to the club and secretly hooked up with girls and enjoyed the prime of my age but there was something I felt I was missing. I couldn't stand being hugged by those bitches. I couldn't stand receiving kisses. All I wanted was to get a taste of those luscious lips of my dearest hyung.  It was so funny that some of our fans could point out how I stared at Jaehan's lips. OMG. Was I too obvious? Was I? I had been longing to touch it and have a taste of it.  I just desired all of him, everything about him. If I could just lock him up in a cage like a cute hamster, I would do so. Jaehan hyung, you just didn't  know what you did to me. You fuckin stole my heart and you had to take responsibility.

"Yechanah? Hello? Are you okay?  You have been staring at me for a while now. Is there something on my face? Is the make-up off" 

"Nah, everything is perfect , hyung."

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