JHYC AU Part 2: I Love You Dangerously

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Yechan's POV:

        It was 2:15 in the wee morning and I was still here in the studio with Jaehan hyung finalizing the songs we planned to add for the comeback album. Well, I was not complaining at all. For me, this was the best moment of the day, I could get a hold on of my hyung. We worked from late afternoon till now. In the earlier hours, Hangyeom-hyung was with us. He was one of the lyricist of the song we were polishing right now. I did not mind his presence at all despite the fact that he also doted a lot on our elder. Well, I knew for sure, it wasn't romantic.  

        I felt so sleepy-terribly sleepy. The lids of my eyes were so heavy that any moment, I would just passed out yet I had to make sure that the files were exported fully before I hit the sack. If I had fallen asleep, I would have had to receive an earful from Jaehan-hyung. On the other hand, Jaehan-hyung was fast asleep next to me. I felt sorry for him. He had been working hard for this comeback. He  would spend sleepless nights just to curate everything perfectly. That was what I adored about him. 

        Why did he manage to have less dark circles though he spent countless of sleepless nights? He looked so enchanting sleeping next to me. 

        "Hyung, can you hear me? Hyung? " I tried to wake him up telling him that the files were successfully exported but he was indeed fast asleep.  I ghostly caressed his face. I felt so delighted looking at this masterpiece. Every inch of his face screamed perfection for me. His sharp nose, his lips, "Shit" so soft.  But, I had to stop myself from moving forward. I couldn't trust my self control at all.  I needed to wash my face to ease the burning sensation developing inside me.  

Jaehan's POV

        I felt a ghostly fingers touching every lines of my face. It was gentle and warm. The sensation was so familiar and it was indeed comforting. I had never felt this feeling for a long time. As a person who disliked skinship, this one was so tender. My mom used to make me feel this comfort when I was a little boy.  Oh boy, Yechan, what were you doing? You would take the chance whenever there was an opportunity. You struck the hot iron all the time. You had gotten braver, huh.  I just kept closing my eyes as he called my name. 

        Little did he knew, I knew what he felt towards me. I knew he was burning for me. Everytime he looked at me, it sent shivers to my spine and it was not bad at all yet it bothered me sometimes.   Yechan was still young, 6 years younger than me. He had not enough experience about life yet. He was still in the middle of learning and finding himself. But, the more he unleased his feelings, the more it troubled me because even I, I also didn't know my feelings towards him. It was a goddamn question I kept on asking myself. Was it an attraction? Was it just a brotherly love? Was it what?  I was confused too. Being in the same kpop group was also a problem. I needed to sort out this feeling before it went out of hand.

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