JHYC AU Part 17: Realization 2

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Jaehan's POV

Then, a warm hand touched my back ....

"Hyung? What are you doing? Hey, I'm here! "


"Hyung? Why are you crying? I'm here."

I couldn't believe my eyes. Yechan was standing in front of me. He was well and fine. Hurriedly,  I hugged him and felt his warmth making sure that he was real. I pushed him back and cupped his face. I touched every inch of his face.  I grabbed his hands and checked his wrists for a pulse. Then, I placed my ears on his chest, listening on his beating heart. It was beating. It was indeed beating.

"Hyung! What's wrong?" He worriedly asked. I stared at his eyes , the eyes that I loved, the eyes that always and only looked at me. My whole body started to shake. I moved forward and reached my hand to caress his face. *Gasp*

"Mister? Mister? We are here."   

I opened my teary eyes and was surprised that the taxi I was getting on was in front of AXG building. What? All of those was just a bad dream- a terrible nightmare. I wiped my face and got off the taxi. Everything in that dream was so real. I could feel the numbness of my legs and my voice turned coarse.  What if it did happen? How would I live with that life? What if it was too late to tell him what I really felt? Somewhere in my memory, it told me how Yechan had changed me, how he brought back the inner child in me, he was always behind me cheering me up and looking up to me a lot. Despite his age, he stood beside me and protected not me but also the group against our abuser. He was ready to give up everything for me.  

I thought I had to be honest with him. I had to be fair for him. I called my friend in AXG Studio that I had an urgent matter to deal with and it was a matter of life and death. My friend cracked when he heard it. He knew I was more than diligent when it came to work.  I called Yechan in a flashed.

"Yechan, we need to talk. Meet me here." I told him the address where we had to meet. 

Yechan's POV

Why did Jaehan hyung suddenly want to talk to me? It was already 11 in the evening and why were we meeting in this place? Probably, it was work-related. I informed Junghoon hyung and hangyeom hyung that I would be meeting up with Jaehan. 

"At this late night? You guys are meeting? ohhhhh. Yechanah!" Hangyeom jokingly teased me. 

"Stop it , hyung. It is just work-related. Nothing in between us after all." I replied.

"Nothing in between you? Really? okay okay okay! Go go go! 

"Hyung! It is not like that!" I whined cutely.

Wow, didn't knew it was a full moon. The night sky was beautiful tonight. I felt like the taxi ride was taking so long and the closer I got to the place, my heart pounded loudly. I couldn't explain what awaited there. As I stepped out the taxi, a familiar place welcomed me. This was the place where we filmed our drama ASTCO. The bridge scene on Episode 6 where I carried  a drunk Dayeol and the moment that Dayeol confessed his feelings again for me. My hands got clammy and I got more nervous as I walked closer to Jaehan hyung. He was leaning on the railing of the bridge. Shit! He found me. Why did his smile look majestic illuminated by the light of the full moon. 


"Yechan, you are here." 

"Hyung, what do you need from me?" I calmly stood next to him staring straight. 

"Here, drink this."  He handed me a cola. What was it? This was also an ASCTO reference. 

"I apologize for calling you here. Uhm....  The moon is so beautiful , isn't it? "

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