JHYC AU Part 8: Hush and Plush ( We are getting down for this)

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Yechan's POV

I couldn't erase the happiness on my face each day. I felt like I won the super jackpot. Everyday, I was so inspired to conquer my daily battle and my noona hated this smiley face. Even my hyungs commended me how my music had evolved to a much fancier taste. Of course, this was what love could do to you and I would add more. This was what love could do for you when you finally got the sweetest YES from the one you dear the most. However, I wondered how the other party received all my love. 

At first, I took the slow pace mode and just a bitty little touchy because I didn't want the love of my life got startled since we were so new for this kind of romance though we had had before as well but this one was something new, something that I wanted to treasure the most.  Like, whenever hyung and I met in the studio, I would peck on his cutie cheek and he would give me a "WHAT" look but sometimes, he would initiate and hug me from the back but hyung was too bad, he would often do that after his gym time so he was so sweaty and it kinda grossed me out. Jaehan hyung was really a jokester. Sometimes, I would barge in while he took a shower in the dorm and he would freak out but well, we were a couple, you knew! So, it was okay to take a shower together but we had to be careful with this kind of stuff. When I wanted to solo my hyung, I would bring him in my car and well, that was the most private place, I could devour him. Opps! We were not there yet! We were not there yet! Just Kissing! 

"Yechanah, please stop touching me here and there." He hushly spoke while I kept on poking his side cause I found him so cute today.

"Hyung, you are so irresistible." I smiled and kept on doing my agenda.

"Yechanah!" a smacked on my head brought me back to the reality.

"Hyung, that hursts!"

"I told you to stop doing that if we are in the studio. What if Hangyeom comes in again! Did you forget that last time, we were .. you know.. doing something and all of sudden, Hangyeom came in! We almost got caught!" His eyebrows got furrowed whenever he reprimanded me. Yeah, right.  We almost got caught last time when Hangyeom hyung busted in! Whew, our reflexes were still on point. Jaehan hyung was right. We had to be more careful since we hadn't told the members about our relationship yet. We were waiting for the perfect time to tell them but I was pretty sure they already had known based on Jaehan hyung's expression. He was a super open book but I just had to play along till the right time come. I was just the happiest when hyung finally opened up to me and revealed him feelings for me as well. I thought all my efforts would go in vain but No!  It went into fruition ! Just never gave up! Trust me!

Jaehan's POV

What had I brought into my life? I never used to raise a puppy but I got a big one now. A puppy that would eat me up anytime soon. Since, that crazy confession now, I was out in the market.  I was out now and I had to put up with this cute big puppy.  No, he wasn't a puppy. He was a koala but omg! ERASED! ERASED!  

Since our relationship was still a secret, I was so wary of my actions in front of the other members. I was the one who told Yechan to wait for the timing to reveal our relationship to the members first but Yechan was itching me to tell them as soon as possible. He also planning to talk his parents about us. OMG! Imagining facing his parents, I felt like I was facing my death row.  Our relationship was just a week old but the way Yechan perceived it, it was like he was imagining our grandkids. This brat, how could I stop him? 

Honestly, I got a big concern. Yechan was still young. As I mentioned, he was so much younger than me. We both had different experience in life. I felt like this relationship was like a test for him, like a chapter in his life. What I fear the most was the moment that he would realize that his feelings for me was just an infatuation and not a real love. Me? Approaching my thirties, I couldn't handle such a puppy love. But, why the hech I gave in too him? Stupid heart! Stupid head!  

A warm kiss woke me up from my dilemma. I was so caught up with my thoughts. I had forgotten that Yechan was beside me. We were making music for our next comeback album.

"Hyung, stop spacing out. " Pouting like ever.

"I was thinking of something."

"Thinking of our date tonight?"

"Stop it!"

"Come'n hyung! Don't be shy! Let's eat more lamb skewers!"

"I'm so done with it!"

"Or do you want to eat my lamb skewer?"

"Focus!" He would be really the death of me! Jaehana! What had you done to your life. Yechan was not a bad child. He was a good man. He was becoming a better person. He was trying to be a better man and I could attest to that.  

"Hyung, I whipped something last night before I went to bed. Listen to this."

~~ Lyrics~~

Loving you was not easy

choosing you was a battle

never really thought  that my head turns messy

but being with you here is amazing.

Your smile... is like ... a drug  that I can't live without

your touch is like  my safety blanket

Your voice is a melody to my broken heart

Your heart is the one I'm longing for

The road I'm in will hit me hard

But with you, I won't be swiveled.

I love you. I want you to know that.

Even if you don't, my heart is always yours.

~~   ~~~~~~~

"What do you think , hyung? " He asked me, I felt like this was his song for me. It was kind of a love letter. I couldn't help but smile. I rested my back from my chair and closed my eyes asking him to replay the song. The melody was soft. It had its tanginess and longing. Yechan's voice was perfect for this. My english level wasn't good enough but I could somehow do understand the lyrics of the song. I opened my eyes and Yechan was waiting for my verdict about the song he made. 

"Come closer." I whispered. He followed suit and with that, I closed the gap between us and this time, I was the one who gave him the kiss.

"Yeah, I love it. Let's add this to our album." and poof! Yechan became beet red! He got so flustered and shy with my affection.  I loved to see this side of him sometimes and with another go, I went for another kiss, this time we both danced in our own melody. 

Hi! Hi! I made a bit of a fluff story! I hope you will like this! What do you think the future awaits for our dear JHYC?


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