JHYC AU Part 6: Messing Up

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Yechan's POV

        It had been 5 days since the drunkard incident of Jaehan hyung in my house. It would be a big disaster if I was defeated with my thirsty lust. I had to pat myself for controlling my reins or else I totally jumped on hyung. He was drunk , too drunk to just do whatever he wanted to do. 
The next day, he was attacked by a terrible wave of hangover and sadly, he had forgotten what he had done that night. I gave him some details but I was to shy to tell him more. It was better to be taken to my grave rather than telling him straight. The only challenge I had to  do was to stop imagining things whenever I was alone with hyung. When we were alone, scenes of that night kept on flashing back! Kyah! Jaehan Hyung!

        At the moment, I was driving my car to Hwichan and Jaehan hyung's apartment. Hwichan hyung asked me to help him carry some of their stuff to the new dorm and he said that Jaehan hyung had an appointment.  Appointment? I didn't know about this. Prolly , it was personal. 

        I got a bigger car and well, I didn't mind helping them. We were a team, weren't we. On the way to hyungs apartment, I caught someone familiar. Jaehan hyung was standing at the curb side and there was a girl talking to him. Wow, they seemed comfortable to each other huh. Was she a fan? Was he meeting her? and why was hyung entertaining that girl. I intentionally pulled over in front of them and put my side window open and getting the attention of Jaehan hyung. As soon as I called him, he jolted and was surprised. I wanted to ask him who she was. My jealousy was swelling in me. Why did I feel so upset? 

"Hyung!" I called on to him.

         "Ye-cha-nah! What are you doing here?" He was like a deer caught in a headlights. Why was he acting weird. I looked at the girl. She seemed as young as me.  She acted shyly. What was this? Hyung was meeting someone in a broad daylight. What if someone saw them like our fans and please, another scandal would blow up again. 

          "hyung? you got something else to do? See yah." I got so irritated that I just drove passed and I wasn't able to hear what hyung was saying. I was upset. 

             After few minutes, I arrived at their apartment and I saw Hwichan hyung stacking the pile of boxes. Jaehan hyung just left to meet up with someone while Hwichan hyung was busy piling up these stuff. I got more enraged. 

           "Hyung, do you happen to know what Jaehan hyung was up to? " I blurted out. I just wanted to confirm it.

           "Oh, he told me he was meeting his producer friend. " Hwichan hyung replied lightly.  He lied. He lied. He was not meeting a producer friend, I knew that person but instead, Jaehan hyung was meeting a girl. I wanted to keep it off my chest. I wanted to tell Hwichan hyung that Jaehan hyung met a girl.  Was he secretly dating? 

           "Hyung, Jaehan hyung should have helped you too."

          "It is okay, Yechanah, he said it was an urgent matter. " Hwichan hyung added.  Urgent matter? Tch! Urgent matter? Urgent matter his face. To my dismay, I made a hole in the box didn't know that there were  sharp objects inside.

          "Yechanah! What have you done! Are you okay? " Hwichan hyung came rushing towards me and checked my bleeding  knuckles.

"Oh, it was an accident hyung." What an alibi. 

Jaehan's POV

          OMG! That brat. I hadn't finished talking and he just decided to drove passed me and left.  Why was he here? What a timing! He looked quite upset. Eh?  Why was he upset? He would definitely have a piece of my mind later. My phone suddenly rang and it was a call from Hwichan.


"Hyung, where are you? I'm in the emergency now."

"What? Why are you there?" 

"There was an accident and I'm here with Yechan."

          "Eh, Yechan?" My heart suddenly beat fast. What happened to Yechan? Shoot! Did he get into a freak accident? There was only one hospital closer to our apartment. Luckily, the meeting with my producer friend was done and I just took a taxi and went straight ahead to the hospital.  

        As I got to the emergency waiting area, I saw Hwichan kneeling infront of Yechan. There was something on Yechan's hand and as I walked closely, his left hand was covered with bandages. 

"Yechanah, Hwichanah, what is this?"  I felt lost and didn't know what to say. Seeing Yechan's condition washed away the things I wanted to nag to him.

"We were moving the boxes and....." 

"Who was she?" 

          Before Hwichan finished his sentence, Yechan interrupted him in a very monotonic cold tone. I wouldn't deny it sent shiver to my spine. 

"She?" Hwichan asked confusedly looking at me and Yechan.

"Oh, you mean that girl. Oh, she was just asking something. She was our fan and she was so nice giving us compliments. " I replied.

"What a cliche."

           "What did you say, Yechanah?" Why was Yechan acting weird and my biggest concern was Yechan's hand but luckily, it was just a scratch and there was no further damage to the bones so I sat next to him but when I was about to sit, Yechan suddenly stood up and left without looking back.  Hwichan and I were taken a back. 

"Hyung, did something happen between you and Yechan?"

"No, nothing. He just saw me talking to that female fan."

"What? I thought you were meeting with your friend. Shoot. Did you go on a date?

"Huh? NO!! I just happened to meet a fan and she was a fan so I couldn't just shoo her away."

"Hyung, Yechan misunderstood it! OMG! (LOL ) You gotta explain it to our dear maknae. You know that he dotes on you a lot." 

"eeeh?  Why?" I wondered.

"You are so densed, bro. " I didn't understand what he meant but....  SHOOT!  Yechan was jealous to the point he hurt himself?? No no no no no no. I quickly followed Yechan to the parking area and found him sitting on the floor head down.


"Get lost." 

"Yechanah!"  My eyes went wide when I saw Yechan bawling his eyes out. He was crying. 

"Hyung, it hurts! It hurts too much!" He was crying and hitting his chest.  

"What's the matter? Tell me? What's wrong?"  I asked as I tried to console him.

"It hurts so much, hyung. It hurts!" The best way to calm him down was to hug him. I hugged him so tight. The way his shoulder went up and down as he cried his hearts out to me was so painstaking to witness. I didn't understand the situation so clearly. What made Yechan to be so hurt like this? Was it me? Yechanah , why were you always giving me a headache? What else I could do for you?

I hope you like this part! Poor Yechanah!  If you feel hurt inside, it is okay to cry and release the pain inside and cry in the arms of the one you love.  See you next time.



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