JHYC AU Part 21: Flashback

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Disclaimer: This is just an alternate universe( AU), and a fanfiction. 

Jaehan's POV

Another rumor was circulating and I wondered where the hell those people found a photo of me with another female idol. It was so ridiculous. Based on the timestamp, I was with Yechan at the moment. We were at his private studio. The rest was just explicit and I didn't need to elaborate more. 

Now, I was sitting next to our manager and CEO. Then, Gyeom , Yechan and our admins came in. They looked so mad especially my boo-Yechan. He pulled a chair next to me and shot a deep sigh. He looked at me with a big concern and I could feel that he was so anxious about this issue.

Our CEO and manager started to openly discuss the issue circulating on social media. They were carefully checking the alleged photos and videos posted on Twitter by an unknown person. They also couldn't believe why this issue appeared all of a sudden before the release of our comeback next month. To Hangyeom's annonyance he uttered,

"This is too much! I think I know who the person behind this black propaganda. Last time, when Jaehan hyung and Yechan announced about their fanmeeting for their drama, a scandal appeared and it was too ridiculous. Luckily, our fans found the loop hole that it was fake. Now, this? OMG! Wow, they even photoshopped everything and used deepfake to put Jaehan Hyung's face on that fuckin video."

"Hangyeomie, watch your mouth." I said as I interrupted his words because it was going off hand. 

"I know Hyung! But they won't stop till you drop! " He added.

Our CEO and manager had a hunch who might have been the person behind this and they were planning on investigating this issue but before that, they asked us questions to solidify the truth that it was not me at all. In fact, it was not ME! I was with YECHAN at that time.

"So, Jaehan, dear, what were you doing at that time and where were you?" Our CEO asked me and then, images of that night flashed back!


Yechan and I woke up from our short slumber and I felt so sticky and I needed some shower. When I was about to get up, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and planted a kiss on it as he traced the lines of my back tenderly which gave an electric shock to my whole body.

"Hyung... where are you going?" He asked as he continued kissing my back.

"Yechanah, stop it, it is ticklish, you know. Well, I want to take a shower, I feel so sticky." 

"Why don't we hop in the bath together?" He spoked sultry as he carefully bit my left ear. Damn, I wasn't expecting that Yechan could give me a tingly feeling for these erotic touch and I couldn't understand myself why I was dragged in with Yechan in the bathroom together.

Yechan filled the bathtub with water and put a soapy bathbomb. The room smelled musky, woody and fresh. I felt like I was in a rainforest. Yechan got in the tub first and extended his arms to invite me to join him and I gladly accepted it. 

At first, I felt super uncomfortable lying my back on Yechan. Yechan became the big spoon and even I couldn't see his face, I could sense that he was smiling from ear to ear. 

"Hyung, I'm so happy to be with you. I'm so happy to have you in my arms. " Yechan whispered closely to my ears as he tightened his arms around my waist and holy shit, I could feel his member swelling up. 

"Yechanah, why are you getting bigger?" I nervously asked as I turned my head to see his face and OMG! Yechan's face was so red and he was so flushed!

"Hyung, I'm so sorry. I couldn't take it anymore. "  

He grabbed my face and kissed me aggressively that I couldn't keep up with his pace. He groped my chest and kissed my neck. I was afraid that he would live a mark. I tried to push him back and stopped him but due to the tub it was hard for me to maneuver. He continued groping and squeezing my chest and I was even more stunned when he pushed his tongue inside my mouth! Was this what you called french kiss?? Where the hell did this kid learn all of this. 

"Yechanah, stop! Not there! aaaaaah! aaaaaah!" To my surprise , Yechan earned a slap from me.

WHACK! Yechan stopped and his eyes went wide as he touched his cheek.

"Hyung???? I.... I... I.... I didn't mean to.. I... I'm sorry." Panic filled Yechan's eyes. 

I was not mad at him. I was just surprised about his action. Now, Yechan looked like a lost puppy and didn't know what to say.

"Hyung, did I ... I ... hurt.. you?? "  

I cupped his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

"No, you did not. I was just surprised you know. You look so hungry and well, we are in a bathtub and you know.. look.. it is too cramped. "  Oh God! What the hell I was saying. 

"So, you.. you.. mean... you want.. to do.. it... again?? Hyung????.. You want.. to.. do.. it .. with .. me?" He nervously asked. 

"Hmmm.. not here. " 

Then, in a speed of light, Yechan stood up and went out of the bath and pulled me up. Then , in a second I was already carried by Yechan. I underestimated this maknae's strength. He was acting like a beast!  Then, in a prompt, I found myself sprawled on the soft bed again with Yechan towering over me with eyes filled with lust. 

"Hyung??? Can I kiss you?" 

"hmmm.. hmm... uh.. uh"

He slowly kissed my forehead , then, my nose, my left ear, right ear, my nose and lastly, my lips. His kiss this time was so gentle and I felt like in cloud nine and my heart swell up with happiness.  

"Hyung, can I move further?"

"Uh.. uh... Please don't leave a mark."

He nodded with a big smile. Yechan pinned me and hovered on me as he slowly kissed every inch of my body. To my blissful happiness, I closed my eyes to feel this amazing sensation I was about to share with Yechan. The pleasure he was giving me was so addicting. His heavy breathing mixed with my gleaming voice created a sonata inside the room.  This night would be a night both of us wouldn't forget. Yechan continued moving downwards and swiftly, nibbled the side of my inner thigh  which earned a yelp from me. To my suprise, I accidentally kicked him.


"Yechan! Where are you learning this?!!!!!!!"

~~end of Flashback~~

Yechan's POV

"Jaehan? Jaehan? You okay, dear?"  Our CEO kept on calling Jaehan Hyung as he was in a trance when our CEO asked him about what he was doing at the time. 

"Jaehan , you okay? you are so red? Are you sick?" 

"aaah.. aaah.. no.. no.. no... I just thought of something."

I thought I knew what you were thinking hyung. I snaked my hand under the table and squeezed his hand. He looked at me with wide eyes and I whispered,

"I know what you are thinking, JA-GI-YA."


Hi, Forestnation and JHYCnation, I'm back!

I hope you like this smexy moments of the boys! Enjoy!



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