JHYC AU Part 16: Realization

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Jaehan's POV

I never had experience such a terrible feeling after a said break up. We were still savoring our honeymoon phase but in just a glimpse, it went away. Was I at fault?

"Hyungnim, let's grab some bite." Hangyeom stood from his seat next to me and invited me to eat. We were working together with one of his composition. In fact, I didn't feel like eating.  I skipped a lot these days. Why I was acting like a teenager?

"Hyungnim, let's go. You haven't eaten anything since breakfast and it is 9 in the evening now." He dragged me with him and went to a nearby restaurant. He ordered an army stew for us to share and honestly, I felt like vomiting.

"Hyung, here, eat. You look like you haven't seen a better day." He jokingly teased me. Ever since, Hangyeom was like my loyal younger brother always there when I needed the most.

"Hyung, how were you and Yechanie?" 


"If you are not ready to tell, it is okay. But please take care of yourself too. "

"Hangyeom, do you think I love Yechan too?" I asked.

"The only person who can confirm that is you, hyung. However, based on the actions you are showing you are totally affected by the break up. Yechan seemed cool with it. He looks normal. He acts just the way he is. But you? You tend to dodge everything and would just hole up in the studio. We can sense your distress and whenever you see Yechan, your eyes plead for him." 


"Yes, well, we got two eyes and we were not deaf not to hear what happened that night."

"Both of you are hurting. I think it is better to give space to each other for the meantime." 

I nodded and started to eat. My heart sunk from what Hangyeom said. He was right. We needed space. I needed to figure out this feelings. I needed to bring back my composure since I was the leader of this group and Yechan was under me. I had to be their backbone. I had so many things in my plate and I couldn't afford to linger on this feelings. 

Yechan's POV

Day by day, Jaehan hyung seemed back to normal. I guessed what had happened before had transpired to him. Gladly, he treated me as normal as before. Of course, I couldn't deny the fact that I still loved him but I also had to accept the fact that it was just one-sided after all and I would be able to overcome this heartache.  Today, Jaehan hyung and Kevin hyung were invited in a special episode of Arirang radio. I asked Kevin if we could switch seat like Kevin would sit in between us. I didn't want our shippers to see our moments or awkwardness. I was glad that Kevin hyung accepted my request.

Jaehan hyung looked so cute in his outfit tonight. He was wearing a light pink sweatshirt with a white inner shirt and he was wearing a transparent rimmed glasses.  He was stunning as always. OMG! I had been looking at him since our eyes met.  All of a sudden DJ Sam asked me a question that I was afraid to answer.

DJ Sam: Yechan, have you ever had your heart broken?

OMG! What a timing. I needed to be cool with it!

Yechan: Yeah, sure.

DJ Sam: Did you have any break up songs that you like?

Yechan: hmmmm.. I didn't have but lately, a filipino fan recommended me a song. It was a beautiful song but the sense was so sad.

DJ Sam: Care to sing a little line of the song?

Yechan: Oh, wait, let me check the lyrics.

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