JHYC AU Part 3: Jealousy

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Jaehan's POV:

        What a tiring day working  today so I decided to invite Yechan and Hangyeom for a coffee break in the near cafe close to our studio. I needed my daily dose of iced american or else I would die.  Indeed, I was a big fan of coffee. I could be caffeine addict likewise Hangyeom.  He also loved coffee. On the other hand, Yechan was not an avid drinker of coffee. He preferred tea. What a fancy young boy with expensive palate. 

        We entered a small but aesthetically pleasing cafe. We would just order some drinks and goodies then just went back to the studio since there were a lot of people inside the cafe. Yechan queued for us but the looked of the staff at him was so enticing. She seemed to be flirting to Yechan and that brat would be so nice and gave her a sweet smile. As Yechan handed his card, the girl brushed her fingers to Yechan's hand. What kind of act was that? 

        "Hyung? What's the matter?" Hangyeom brought me back to my sense.

        "I don't feel well. The air is a bit suffocating here. Imma wait outside."  I hurriedly said and went out of the cafe. I hated the idea of girls swooning over Yechan. Shoot! What was wrong with me? Was I jealous because Yechan could get the girls fast.  The sound of the door chime caught my attention. Hangyeom and Yechan were standing next to me. Yechan handed me my coffee and he studied my face curiously.

        "Hyung, is something wrong? You look like you wanted to poop." He jokingly commented with a smirk and Hangyeom also teased me on how terrible I looked.  I just shook my head assuring them nothing was wrong with me but actually, I was not in the mood.  I just didn't want to spoil the day for my two dongsaengs due to this stupid feelings I had for our maknae.  

Yechan's POV

        Why did I feel a dark energy was lurking around as I took my orders from the staff? I turned my head back and saw Jaehan-hyung giving a pierce look towards the staff.  Oh, was he jealous?
I took my chance and started to flirt with the staff. I stole glances at him and he was obviously reacting to every action I did. Oh, Hyung, jealous huh, jealous of me talking to this pretty girl or jealous that this girl was interested in me? Which was which , hyung?

       "Yechanah, did you two argue again while I was away for a bit? " Hangyeom hyung, interoggated.

       "No, we didn't. We had a good time rehearsing the song.  Why?" I asked curiously.

       "I felt like Hyung was not in a good mood suddenly so I thought you guys had a little argument."

      "Beats me. I have no idea, hyung. Probably, something came up and he looked like that. Looked at him outside. When he was kinda upset or frustrated, he couldn't mask it." I commented as we walked out of the cafe. My dear Jaehan, were you really jealous? Let me see. It would be an interesting  test. 

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