Chapter 1

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A cigarette left some gray, flying ashes on the edge of old bench. The cold wind immediately took them and brought on the wet ground. The snow melted under bright, but not warm sunlight, disappearing in asphalt. Some clouds were slowly moving on pale blue, open sky, but the air still was cold, almost freezing.
It was the classic morning weather for beginning of December.

The guy called Jack was sitting in the old park, smoking, listening to some heavy music in his headphones and watching the sky.
He had got black, narrowed eyes, perfect shaped long nose and thin lips. The dark green, dyed hair casually laid over his pale face with sharp cheekbones. And the big eyebrows or dark scar above guy's upper lip made him look even more hostile, but devilishly attractive.
Jack's body was really strong and handsome too, but hidden under clothes. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, black, warm hoodie and leather jacket. On his legs were old platform boots. Also the guy had a black bag with some necessary things beside him.

Jack took a last one drug from the cigarette and decided finally to go at school. He got up late this morning. And to come at the middle of lesson wasn't comfortable because of teacher's questions and dirty looks of his classmates. That's why the guy skipped first class, planning to come to second one.
He stood up from the bench, grabbing a backpack where laid some random books. And then he reluctantly went to the place hated with whole soul.

Jack was walking with cigarette in his mouth and headphones in his ears. He watched trees without leaves, gray cold buildings, cars and people with empty gaze.

Obviously the guy didn't hate it. He even liked some details of this life. But there also was so much things he didn't understand. So much lie, hopeless desires, dead dreams, wrong thoughts... So much pain, which could kill even the most strong ones.
Yes, Jack adapted to this long ago, but he still wasn't numb. He enjoyed good music or good weather. He loved his dead mother and even loved his cruel father. Also a lot of things made Jack angry or sad. A lot of situations and people could hurt him. He learned not to show it, but he felt everything. At some reason he still was alive.

The guy sighed over those thoughts. Did it make any sense? Did his life mean anything? Probably no, this was just an useless existence. And to end it up was even more senseless than to continue.

"Maybe it will get better somehow." Jack mumbled to himself.

After that he rose eyes on the road, returning from his mind to reality. And immediately the guy saw a lorry, driving at his side really quickly. Perhaps it was going to hit him even before he could move. Of course Jack wasn't expecting this and that's why couldn't react on time.
Although suddenly he felt somebody's strong hand quickly pull him on the ground. This caused guy fell down on the opposite side of road, previously large car drove trough the place he stayed one second ago. Fortunately it even didn't touch him, but that kinda scared Jack anyway.

In that moment all his senses had gone wrong. His own heart was beating with faster rhythm, his eyes a little blurred. The guy shook his head and got up from the ground. He removed the headphones with one hand, trying to clean up his clothes with another.
After this Jack looked around the familiar street, which looked really calm. A few people were slowly walking, not paying attention at him. And the cars weren't here at all, giving a slight misunderstanding.

"Hey, are you okay?" The low, but melodic voice said unexpectedly, breaking the short silence.

Jack still was a bit confused, but turned to another side. He saw a nice, middle aged man standing in front of him.
He was high and slim. He had got blonde, curly hair, almost white skin and big hazel eyes behind thin glasses. The man had put on dark brown coat, white shirt and simple black pants. Also Jack could feel his expensive, bitter-sweet perfume, which reminded comfort and softness.

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