Chapter 2

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When some time, full of boring speech about new library was finally gone, Peter was beginning to regret that he came here.
The sun barely shined trough enlarged clouds. Some wind lazily messed single snowflakes from iced asphalt. Cold winter air fill the big front school yard. But it didn't seem to bother to the principal, teachers and some students, who stared at a bit modernized library with admiration and interest.
Fortunately the ceremony ended up as fast and unexpectedly as began. And to the end of a break, every one returned to their classes, continuing work or study.

Peter had two last English classes with a small students. Then he had to do some paper work and plan a few tests. Usually things like this were done in one-two hours. And after them Mr. Johnson went home, just relaxing or reading something during the rest of the day.
His life obviously wasn't very exciting. He didn't do any curious things and wasn't close with any interesting people. Only sometimes, there happened any noticeable changes or unplanned, unexpected moments.

And Jack's routine wasn't much different. However it was a little busier than Peter's one.

After two last lessons, the green haired guy immediately left the school. He was stepping slowly, but didn't turn back. And at some reason Jack secretly hoped to meet Mr. Johnson by accident again. Although, he even was ashamed of his own thoughts.
The guy really liked to spend time with Peter, however couldn't believe that the man was sincere with him. Also he knew that contacting with someone too much could hurt him. Even despite this teacher didn't seem cruel and on the contrary he saved him in the morning.
But the student shook his head, analyzing his messy mind. They were acquainted only for one day. But he already paid too much attention on Peter. Probably it happened because Jack actually rarely talked with people. And the man just was normal, usual person, who couldn't think that much about him. Or Mr. Johnson probably already forgot about the guy at all. Anyway he had got hundred students like Jack.

"Oh God..." The guy sighed quietly. He has felt like his green head became as heavy as stone. He still was very confused and needed to get rid of this feeling as fast as he could. So Jack tried to clear his mind from useless overthinking, hoping that he still had control over his thoughts.
And fortunately, he could remove preoccupation from his rude face before he arrived to the place he was walking for last twenty minutes.

It was small, old half-garage half-building with bright-red neon writing above, which proudly said: 'Auto Repair Shop'. And trough the small, dirty windows guy could see some familiar yellow light, showing that the owner was here.
That's why Jack quickly went in trough opened metallic door. And then he was directly greeted with old, but active man, who stood in front of trunk from large, black car.

"Hey, Jackie!" The man smiled trough dark, brown moustache. Then he walked to the guy, giving him the dirty, strong hand.

"Hi, Taylor." Jack smiled at him, shaking it. "Have any work for me?" He asked looking around.

"Sure. That, red one." The mechanic showed to the modern, new automobile in the corner of garage.

"Wow, it looks like brand new. What's wrong with it?" The guy said coming closer to the car and carefully studying it.

"The brake doesn't work well."

"Oh. How didn't the owner crash it down?"

"He's just careful one. Fears of speed." The man smirked evilly.

"What a pathetic coward... On this car he can drive as fucking fast, as I do only in my dreams." Jack said with some jealous and anger in his black eyes.

Mechanic laughed, but totally agreed with the guy. "He paid a lot. You'll get more than usual, if you fix it yourself." He said, a little changing the subject.

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