Chapter 6

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Peter quickly opened his eyes, feeling cold wetness on his face. Soft shapes and warm colors were blurring, showing unknown reality. Above him was laying something heavy, creating a discomfort because of unwanted presence. And his mind was filled with terrible nightmare, which man had never seen before. So these weird details involuntarily made him panic again.

Somehow they were returned to the same pose they were after playful fight. And quickly Mr. Johnson stood up, waking up still laying over him Jack.

The guy didn't understand anything too, sharply getting up because of teacher's movements. His heartbeats were really loud, just like his breath. And his face looked so frightened and lost, making him look childishly naive.

As Peter saw Jack he and immediately came closer to the student, slightly wrapping his arms around his shaking body. "Jack, everything's okay. You are with me." He said using kind voice. At some point, man felt like he needed to calm down this guy and make him feel comfortable, even if he was still confused himself.

First time green haired one just deeply breathed in and blinked a few times, seeing the world more distinct. Then his coal black eyes met light hazel ones, which gazed at him with the same fear and misunderstanding.

"Peter?" Jack asked with hoarse voice.

"Yes, that's me." Teacher answered, moving closer.

After this realization the guy strongly hug him back, burying his face in man's chest, while Mr. Johnson looked around with studying sight.

"Peter, I'm so happy that you're alive!" Suddenly Jack said without thinking. His hands hardly pressed Peter's back, like he could loose this person at any moment.

"I'm glad that you're fine too." The man smiled gazing down on the guy. He gently messed his green hair, making Jack look up. "We had returned at your flat, somehow." He said then.

"Good. It means that everything is over." Student answered, softly setting the man free.

"Yeah... Hey, wait it was only a dream, right? But did you see it too?" Peter answered with surprised face.

"You mean, that scary nightmare about mirror, that ugly creature, little girl, shadow, monsters and that motherfucker who ate us?" Jack asked, still keeping this memories in his mind.


"And... You saw that? Maybe it's because we fell asleep at the same place? Or because we were close to each other? There must be scientific explanation."

"I hope so. But I fear, that it's not how it works."

They exchanged shocked looks and turned to the window, looking for any answers. Peter and Jack run to the thin, dirty glass and stared at dark woods, unexpectedly seeing a yellow, morning ray, reflected from the sunlight again.

"Shit. The mirror is actually there." Student smirked sadly.

"I can't believe it..." The man replied quietly with large, scared eyes.

"Me too. You know, I had some dreams like this before. Although, I was sure that they aren't real."

"But they are. We proofed that yesterday."

Tensioning silence appeared in the heavy air. The sunlight also shined trough the window, warmly lighting up slightly messy room with broken walls and old furniture. It looked very familiar, comfortable and safe. There still were old guitar, blue sofa with pale blanket, some books, disks and copybooks, laying on the dirty table and closet. They didn't seem dangerous at all and nothing reminded about yesterday darkness or monsters, except weird memories.
That's why two people looked at each other once more with real confusion and disbelief in past situation.

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