Chapter 9

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The smile didn't leave guy's face for some time.
He really had good time with Peter. This man was interesting person, who involuntarily attracted the guy with his appearance and personality. Despite his past caution Jack was glad that he met Mr. Johnson who became very important to him for a short time.

With those thoughts Jack walked in the familiar, snowed streets of the small town. His dad's house wasn't too far from there and the guy could easily reach it on foot. He chose the shortest road, which wasn't as lifeless as some another places there.
Fresh air became even cooler since morning. From the sky was falling some fragile snowflakes, letting dark clouds become easier and higher. Hard road was covered with thin ice. And trees held out their empty branches, catching some cold, white drops of snow. A few shops looked forgotten because they were rarely visited by anyone. And some unknown buildings became almost invisible because of light smoke. Only sometimes near Jack walked some indifferent strangers and drove similar cars. But most of the time guy was alone with his thoughts.

Like this he arrived to the living area with numerous houses. To find his one wasn't difficult. Jack immediately noticed the house with pink walls and slowly came in the opened fence door.
The snow wasn't cleaned here, garden still seemed abandoned, and widows looked dirtier than usual. Although from house door was heard any noise, showing some signs of any life. Perhaps, the couple argued because of anything again or got their relatives in the house.

Jack entered his home and quickly went to his room, ignoring unknown strangers at living room and kitchen. But walking through hall, he got attention of pretty, young girl who shyly stood near the stairs. 
Brown haired, slim little child in yellow dress just watched him with true surprise or naive fear. However she didn't dare to say something anyway. And when the girl rightly caught his quick gaze with big, clean blue eyes, she lightly run away, calling for her mother with adorably frightened voice.
The guy smirked, liking her reaction. He even wanted to talk with this girl, but didn't have enough time for that. So Jack simply rose upstairs and closed in his room instead.

It became more dusted because of time, although everything else stayed the same as it was. These people really didn't use his room, making Jack appreciated their honesty.
He slowly looked around before take another dark-red bag from the wardrobe and threw some of his clothes there. Then he grabbed his tooth brush, razor and the rest of his necessary, personal things, putting them at the same backpack. As the guy expected, in this house weren't many things which belonged him. And just after ten minutes he already was done with that.

Jack simply grabbed the almost full bag and left his old room, thinking when will he ever return here again.
If Peter didn't mind it'd be nice to stay with him all the time. But if something will go wrong, the guy could find any job and rent a place somewhere. Anyway this situation just couldn't become worse.

Green haired guy was going to exit the house, feeling himself like a ghost. Nobody needed him there, nobody even noticed. And since now in this place wasn't anything needing. The house which was his home some time ago became absolutely unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
Leaving it didn't hurt at all, but just before go outside Jack hesitated. He remembered about his father. This was the man, who kinda made his life unbearable. He was beating him up and yelling at him every single day. He physically and mentally ruined Jack. So why should he care about this person?

But he was his dad. The only alive, close relative. Even if he didn't give a damn about son, Jack wasn't like him. He was more like his caring and loving mother.
The guy suddenly turned around and reverted to the second floor. He saw the door to smaller room near his one and carefully knocked. Obviously nobody responded. That's why Jack decided to come in himself, and luckily this room wasn't locked.

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