Chapter 4

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The big, dim sun slightly shined trough thick clouds and invisible smoke. The whole ground was covered by white sparkles, showing that it was snowing all the morning. And in the streets already appeared people, going at work or just walking around.
New year atmosphere felt in the air. Somewhere were bright garlands and festive decorations. People paid so much attention just on the holidays and prepared even too responsible for the celebrating.

And it seemed ridiculous for Peter. He never liked any events like this. And didn't understand why must he celebrate them at all.
Sometimes Mr. Johnson really felt different. A lot of usual things seemed weird to him, and some weird things were normal. Of course it was strange, but it didn't bother anyone, right?

Peter shrugged, continuing walking to school and thinking about any useless stuff again.
He was dressed up in white shirt, narrow black pants, simple classic boots and his dark brown coat. All the clothes were clean and neat. On his face were the same thin glasses and his blonde hair were carefully gathered in small bun behind his head.
This man always tried to look perfect. And usually, it worked creating a good impression about Mr. Johnson.

He slowly arrived in school and entered to the not lively building, surrounded by cold fence and some iced trees.
Several teachers talked to each other in the light hallway, discussing something important with serious faces.

"Good day." Peter greeted them with polite smile.

"Good day." Some of his colleagues answered shortly and immediately returned to their conversation.

After this Mr. Johnson lightly walked to his class and sat near the simple table next to window. He grabbed some copybooks from dusted book shelf and began to check them, quickly reading answers of his students.
Some time later the teacher was totally into his work, but then he heard a quiet knock in his door.

"Come in." He said with loud voice, but not rising his head.

"Hello, Peter." Mrs. Smith answered, coming inside the class with any student.

"Oh, hello, Mrs. Smith." The man said kindly, recognizing the voice. "How are you?" He added, glancing at the old woman.

"I'm fine, thanks." She replied with faint smile. "I have an request for you. May I leave Jack here? He needs to write the test near any teacher. And I just have to do some another work now."

"Sure." Peter nodded simply, suddenly noticing that behind the woman stood familiar green haired guy.

"Thank you. But don't let him copy answers from the books."


Mrs. Smith smiled another one time and left the class, going somewhere really fast.

And after her leaving, Mr. Johnson carefully gazed at Jack again. The guy looked just like yesterday, but with some papers, pens and backpack in his hands. Also he seemed slightly confused or hesitant and this made him adorably funny.

"Hey, Jack. Didn't expect to see you today." The teacher said with nice smirk, which hide his own surprise.

"Same, Peter." The guy answered with similar grin.

"Sit down here." Mr. Johnson commanded, showing the closest desk to his work table.

And Jack obediently sat on the place man asked. "Who knew that from all the teachers in the school she will choose you." He noticed then, rising his narrowed, coal black eyes up.

"Would you like to be with someone else?" Mr. Johnson asked ironically, returning to his work too.

"No, I'm just wondering how lucky I am."

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