Chapter 13

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This day quickly finished without anything new or weird. Jack began feeling better really soon and Peter just made everything for keeping him safe and happy. Eventually they stopped fearing or believing in monsters' powers and knew that everything will be fine in the end.
Man even tried to find some information about this in the internet, however all the scientific sites rejected existence of supernatural creatures and another ones just didn't look so serious. Also guy didn't have illusions anymore while the rest of the day. Moreover even the night was surprisingly calm for people. Despite some strange dreams with reminding objects, Jack didn't have nightmares at all. Only strange feeling of coming danger, which was impossible to understand or explain, sensed in the atmosphere of time.
Although Jack was resolute in his decision about monsters. He was sure that he won't break anyway and having Mr. Johnson by his side made him even stronger. Also slight belief in a trap showed that their problem wasn't really serious. So the guy still truly hoped for the best, wishing this nightmare to finish as fast as possible.

However the next morning Jack unexpectedly woke up because of any unclear whisperings. First time he thought that it was Peter talking to somebody. But when he opened his heavy eyelids and finally looked around, the guy noticed that man was calmly slumbering near him, probably having a sleepless night because of fears or worries. And the strange, quiet sounds were coming from another place.
This made Jack frown, watching the peaceful, almost light room with absolute misunderstanding. From the closed window, slightly covered by curtains was coming pale glow from white sky and snow. The white ceiling with small lamp hanging on it looked like usual. The table, closet, carpet were on their familiar places, in the perfectly right order. However the mirror dimmed because of something transparently black, like a shadow standing in front of it.

So student quietly got up, coming to the place with almost invisible, dark ghost and carefully touched the air where it was. Although the faint image immediately disappeared and his slightly damaged hand felt nothing here.
Jack confusingly shook his head with green hair, thinking that he just didn't woke up normally. But then he surprisingly heard somebody whispered his name with good known, soft voice and even repeated that a few times. The guy didn't understand anything again, not wanting to believe in his own guessing and simply decided to proof that it was fine.

He almost soundlessly left the bedroom, slowly closing the clean door behind himself. And when Jack turned to the same looking living room with simple furniture and neat things, he surprisingly noticed someone sitting on the sofa.
The glitching image of weirdly familiar woman with dark hair and dirty dress involuntarily made the guy panic. He didn't want to trust his sleepy eyes, but could swear that this person was his dead mom.

Jack slowly came closer to her, feeling how his body was shaking because of sadness and new wave of unexpected fear. Then student stopped in front of dead ghost, staring at the strange, damaged image of the woman, who didn't react or didn't notice his movements at all.
And at some reason she still had a big hole on her head and almost torn off legs in addition to absolutely burned skin and deep scratches because of glass all over her body. Her shape wasn't deformed much, but the face, which used to be really kind, turned to the terrifyingly angry grimace full of pain or regrets.

After a shot time the mother abruptly turned her head with small, quick movements to standing son. She smiled with teethless, dirty mouth, but her cold, empty eyes stayed the same. The woman barely breathed and seemed to grab all of her powers to say two important words with gaspy voice: "You promised."

Jack slowly shook his head. "No. I won't do that." He said weakly, remembering that he needed to reject monsters request.

"You agreed to help us!" She yelled louder, standing up and angrily staring at the guy.

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