Chapter 7

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Jack and Peter had cooked around an hour. They decided to make a pizza, because it was pretty easy and all the necessary ingredients were in man's fridge.
This process wasn't very long and definitely wasn't boring. Teacher was carefully making dough, while the guy cut some vegetables on little pieces and prepare another things. Both of people were careless and cheerful, simply talking about useless stuff and sometimes joking. As the main work ended, they made the last movement: put the pizza in burning oven and wait for it to bake.
And then finally, the starving people got the meal out. The result of their efforts wasn't perfect, but wasn't bad at least. Anyway, they just sat near small, square kitchen table and began eating, even before cleaning up the room.

Undoubtedly Peter with Jack had fun, spending time together. No matter what they were doing: cooking, eating, just talking or even running from something supernatural. Two similar souls found each other, feeling really good together. They also were free, knowing that with each other they can be understood and interested. And this fact could make forget about small problems, almost turning them to the happiest people.

Although, there also was something scary or unfamiliar. Being close with anyone always had dangerous chance of being hurt.
Personally Mr. Johnson knew it very well. But he just needed to have someone near him at this moment. The loneliness was the worst for this man. And also Jack didn't seem as empty as everyone else. This guy was more trusting and kind and even despite his hard past or present in him was living any hope. The hope for better things, which Peter couldn't get enough being together with him. That's why this green haired guy seemed exactly who he needed after painful disappointment. And maybe only him could make the man really feel fine.

"Hey, are you fell asleep?" Jack asked suddenly putting near Peter another one dirty plate.

The man was standing above wide sink and washing some polluted dishes after their dinner. But some time earlier he got lost in his mind and just stood not moving, while the water gently hit almost clean plate in his pale hands.

"Nope, I'm just analyzing this day." Man replied then, simply returning to the work.

"If you're tired I can wash them myself." The student offered politely.

"Thank you for caring, but no. You did more work than me, anyway." Peter laughed, glancing at Jack, who was cleaning table from the pieces of ingredients and dirty spots.

"Oh, that's fine. It's not difficult for me." The guy answered smiling.

The man grinned again, feeling a weird wish to hug that sweet person. But of course, he immediately hid his desire behind shame and not understanding of himself. The situation was strange even without cuddling.

Some time later they finished cleaning which wasn't as hard as they expected and went back to the living room.

"What would you like to do?" Peter asked, lazily walking around the neat space with small steps.

"I don't know..." Jack answered simply, thinking about this too. "And do you have any music?" He asked then, coming closer to teacher.

"Yeah, of course." Mr. Johnson said, taking an old player and some disks from the minimalistic closet and sitting on the white carpet with all the things.

They were different, but mostly 'Mindless Self Indulgence', 'Misfits, 'Nirvana' and some classical music.

Jack looked at the man's disks with laughing smirk, after he sat down too. "Nice." He said reading the names.

"Thanks, I know about my shitty taste." Peter laughed. "Also I've got some Chopin, Mozart and Beethoven music in my phone. In this moment I listen only classical genre. The rest of disks I've listened to before."

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