Chapter 3

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All the day Jack was working with Taylor. Then they both had a meal in near standing café. And after that the green haired guy was walking alone in the old park until night. At some reason this time he decided to have night at dad's house, even not visiting the abandoned place.
And the next twenty-four hours were almost the same: Jack got up very late, worked a lot all the day and then played guitar while evening.

Two days of school were simply skipped by the guy. And nobody seemed to notice it, except Mr. Johnson.
The teacher saw that the quiet backyard under his class was empty all the time. Also he didn't met Jack at the corridor, although he was sure that he would, at least one time.
Peter didn't understand why and where the weird teenager could disappear. He kinda began worrying. But on the other hand, the guy wasn't an important person for him anyway. They knew each other only for a few days. Even if Jack was a nice guy, they weren't close yet. Although what if something happened?
Mr. Johnson felt really confused. But decided to act like he doesn't care anyway, when he will meet Jack again.

And with this decision the teacher tried to abandon his thoughts. He turned around from the window, facing the big, light class full of quietly writing little students.

"Have you finished, guys?" Peter asked with gentle, but strong voice.

Everyone was silent, but then a small, dark haired boy happily yelled: "Yes!"

Mr. Johnson came closer to the child and checked his neat copybook. "Amazing job, Andy. You will get a good mark today." He replied, softly smiling.

Andy returned the smile, proudly looking up at standing near him teacher. And just a minute later the school bell rang.

"Well, children, this exercise will be your homework. Everybody, except Andy must show me it at next lesson." Peter said, getting children's attention. "And now the lesson is over. Good-bye." He added, calmly sitting down on usual gray chair.

And as Mr. Johnson finished, the students stood up, loudly talking and taking their books. And after some time the class was almost empty. Only from hallway still was heard childish speaking and laughing.

The teacher checked his work schedule, seeing that he had just two more lessons after the break. It was great, because almost last work day will finish soon. Man's lips escapes tired smiled and he lazily gazed in the window again. This action had become his new habit since last time.
He was watching some white snow, covering the lifeless ground and dry trees. It made the street look unrealistically pale. And sky was also closed by thin smoke, turning yellow sunlight to rare white spots. This day was mysteriously colorless, which felt really stunning.

"Mr. Johnson!" An old, red haired woman in casual clothes said, making Peter turn to her side. "Let's go, have a lunch together. Everyone is waiting for us." She explained, carefully coming closer to him.

"Yes, Mrs. Smith. Let's go." Peter smiled at the woman, standing up. Then they both left the room, unhurriedly walking to the cafeteria.

"...Oh, the principal promised to take care of that bully. Can you believe me, he has hit a younger girl!" She told emotionally with widened, blue eyes.

Mr. Johnson nodded to her words, barely listening to the information he had heard for thousand times. The man concentrated on the way at cafeteria instead, thinking what would he buy for the lunch.

And suddenly, Peter noticed familiar green haired guy near one of the small lockers. Jack was changing some books, not seeing the man. But at some reason, teacher even wanted to catch student's attention and even see his reaction.
Fortunately, his colleague did it for him. She noticed the guy too and stopped right near him.

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