Chapter 5

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The people left old flat and walked to the forest's side.
This time Mr. Johnson went first, letting Jack to follow him with simple smile. They were carefully stepping on perfectly white ground, polluting it with gray footprints and walking further in the empty part of town.

Some time later the abandoned flats were left behind. And dark woods, where they saw mysterious red light became a little closer. These two places were separated by useless, unrealistically empty field, without even a single tree. Although, just after it was small, but deep forest.

"Have you been there before?" Peter asked, as they almost arrived to the woods and plunged in the infinite dark.

"Of course. I have walked there several times, but it was at summer." Jack answered honestly.

"Good. That means, we won't get lost."

"Ha, can't promise."

Mr. Johnson was thinking for a minute. "If you want, we still can turn back." He said, glancing at the guy.

"Maybe you're the one, who wants to turn back?" Jack smirked, looking at man too.

"If I agreed to go, I'll go till the end. Even if it wasn't good idea." Teacher replied.

"Sure." Green haired guy shook his head, continuing walking.

They moved further in the woods, looking around. There was nothing, but large, black trees, reminding creepy creatures and white snow, sharply contrasting with them. Also the only source of light, called sun had already disappeared behind the horizon, leaving just a dark-blue fragment of sky and heavy, gray clouds.

Jack and Peter silently continued going for some time, until suddenly noticed a weird pair of people in front of them.

"Hey, do you see that?" The man asked quietly, rising his hand at the strangers.

"Yes." Jack answered carefully. "What do you think, we should come closer or run right now?"

"Let's come closer. Just see who are they. What if these guys really got lost?" Mr. Johnson said with interested face.

They quickly, but almost not making a sound went to the unknown people. At some point their movements were similar strangers. It was really odd, but didn't stop teacher with student anyway.
People came close enough to the unknown guys and stood in a few meters in front of them. These strangers were dressed in something black and their faces were dim because of darkness. It was impossible to understand who they really were. But at some reason they stopped in the same pose too, just after Jack and Peter did.
Then the strangers emotionlessly stared straight, making everything go silent and motionless. This action strongly confused with familiar feeling, that something was very wrong.

"It is a mirror." Jack said suddenly, breaking the absolute silence with loud, strong voice. The guy took his phone and turned on the flashlight, shining at the same green haired guy.

"Really?" Peter asked coming closer and slowly touching the cold surface, while his reflection copied him.

"Yeah, just a mirror. Probably it reflected sunlight, making that red light."

"That sounds like true. But who put here this mirror? And what for?"

"I don't know... It's so weird."

Mr. Johnson nodded, agreeing with Jack. Then he came back to the guy and stared at their reflection again.
Even under flashlight ray Jack looked like a rude, strong badass. And Peter was like aristocratic, soft gentleman. They both were handsome by different beauty. But at some reason together they looked harmoniously.

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