Red Moon Marks

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It was lonely in the hospital but to Sonic, it felt like forever. He was recovering but unfortunately not deep down. Sonic was discharged from the hospital, but there was not one friend to see him. Luckily he had his brother to turn to. Though both brothers will never be the same again. The look in their eyes and their ears will not prepare them for what will happen next.

Sonic remembered Knuckles, he looked all over for him. That is until he saw him and Shadow with the G.U.N. soldiers. Sonic rushed to him. Sonic shouted as Knuckles turn to him, "Knux! Oh thank God I found you." He was going to hug him but Knuckles pushed him away. Knuckles asked, "What do you want Sonic? I told you I don't want to see you again." Sonic got up before he asked, "Why did you do this? I thought we were friends." Knuckles replied to him, "Not anymore. You broke the Master Emerald and you let me die." Sonic gasped and asked, "So you.. You held a grudge on me and you didn't even forgive me for all those times?" Knuckles said to him, "In truth? Yes. Shadow is the only one 'who came back for me'. He cared about me than you ever could. I love him Sonic." Sonics eyes widened. Knuckles then run to Shadows arms and said, "Now go away Sonic, and never return to me again." Sonic felt heart broken. He had been betrayed. Knuckles and Shadow kissed in front of him. G.U.N. soldiers shoved Sonic away. Though Sonic tried to get to Knuckles, but the red echidna pushed him away. As a result, Sonics already damaged eye was cut by a nearby sharpen stone. Knuckles shouted to Sonic, "I HATE YOU! I HOPE I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" Knuckles then took Shadows hand and said, "Come on babe let's go." Shadow smirked and walked hand in hand with each other as the G.U.N. soldiers walked off. Leaving a hurt and betrayed Sonic alone. Tears and blood streaming down his face.

After a quick doctors visit and way after all of his friends funerals, Sonic returned home alone as he felt tears stream down his face. Betrayed by his remaining best friend, losing the friends when he had, and becoming half blind was awful enough. He started to cry just after he entered his home. The blue hedgehog collapsed onto the couch. He hoped it was some nightmare that he can wake up from. He cried himself to sleep on the couch. Things were going downhill for the depressed hero.

He was deep asleep with tears in his eyes still. Suddenly he felt a tap or two on his shoulder. Sonic opened his eyes a little. It was Manic. The older twin greeted, "Hey baby bro. I tried knocking but there was no answer. The door was unlocked so I let myself in." Sonic sat up and replied as he rubbed his eyes, "Oh." Manic sat next to him and asked, "How are you holding up?" Sonic replied while he looked down, "I be lying if I said I'm doing good. But I'm not actually doing good." Manic sighed and said, "I'm sorry about what happened to your buds." Sonic sighed deeply and said, "Don't worry about it." He then asked, "So what do you need?" Manic pats his back and said, "I'm your brother Sonic, I had to check on you." They saw it was dark out. Sonic asked if Manic can spend the night with him. Manic said yes to him. Truth be told, Sonic needed a shoulder to cry on, though he also needed a family member to turn to as well.

<Later that night>

It was 30 seconds til midnight. Both brothers were in separate rooms asleep. Though suddenly, at the stroke of midnight, a red glow appeared on the left side of their face. Slowly a moon mark appeared on the left side of their face. The moon mark was a deep crimson color. The two felt like something cut them but they were deep asleep.

<6:00 AM>

Both brothers woke up early. Sonic groaned as he stood up and walk to the bathroom. Manic walked to the second bathroom. In separate bathrooms the two turned on the sink and rinsed their faces with cold water. Though once they were completely awake, their eyes widened at the mark on their faces. They gasped at it. Before they let out a horrified screamed.  They ran out of the bathrooms and stopped in front of each other. Manic asked, "Oh my God. You too?" Sonic nodded and said, "Yeah it was like that when I woke up. I maybe blind by one eye but I know a mark when I see one." The two tried to start their day and tried to ignore the marks but they couldn't stop looking at them.

The brothers walked out after they got ready for the day. Suddenly reporters kept asking questions to Sonic about his friends and him being a survivor. Manic grabbed his hand and said to the reporters as they entered the house, "He has no comments man! Get the hell away from him!" He slammed the door behind him as Sonic cried a little. Manic held his younger brother in his arms to comfort him.

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