Surprising Reunion

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The two immortal hedgehogs were in the streets of Event City. Not one person was notices a thing. Thanks to their new looks and purple fur and different color contacts, nobody notices a thing about Sonic and Manic (Currently and lovably known as Maurice and Adrien). A seafoam color hawk (A descendant of Jet The Hawk) greeted them, "Hello Adrien. Hello Maurice." The brothers replied, "Hello Sass. what is going on this time?" Sass The Hawk explained, "We just got intel that the dark commander had a prisoner. No one knows how long but one things for sure, this prisoner was a hedgehog  but we don't know if it's a man or a woman. If you ask me, things will be grim if they look here." manic ask him, "Has anyone described this hedgehog?" Sass shook his head before he said, "You and Maurice be on your guard, Adrien." The two nodded as they said, "We will." Sass smiled before walking away while wishing them luck. Manic turns to him and said, "We may need to look into this." Sonic nodded in agreement as he said, "Yeah we definitely should." The two run to the outskirts of Event City as they looked around.

They arrived in a meadow with dark pink grass and fireflies. The two looked around as Sonic removed the hood from his head and said, "Okay, we need to have info about this prisoner." Manic replied to his brother with a serious expression, "But we haft to see if any of Commander Darks army is nearby before we do." Then without warning, they heard something deep in the long grass about 17 feet away from them. Manic shouted as they stood in their fighting position, "WHO'S THERE?!" Manic indicated Sonic to use the chain and a combination of the fire to cut the grass. Sonic nodded before he cut the grass with the fire-encrusted chain. That's when Someone came out of the grass and shouted, "STOP!! DON'T KILL ME I DO NOT WANNA GO BACK TO THAT DARK PRISON!!" Manic gasped to see who it is.

It was Scourge The Hedgehog but different. The former criminal king was transgender. Manic asked in surprise, "Is that you Scourge?" Scourge herself gasped as she recognizes the hedgehog brothers. She said in surprise, "B-Blue? Manic?! But how?! You both coulda.... How's this possible?!" Manic shushed her before he whispered, "I should ask you the same thing. What happened to you? You look and act the same..." he looked at her before he said, "Ehh sort of the same." Scourge was confused but that's when Sonic asked, "Brother I hate to pull you away from her, but we haft to find some info on this prisoner." Manic then looked at the green hedgehogs body 'which was covered in scars and bruises'. Manic replied with a deeply serious, "I think we just did find Commander Darks prisoner, judging from those scars and bruises on her body." Sonic looked at her and said with shock in his tone, "What?!"

Then heard the demons approaching, Before Manic said, "Come on let's go." Thats when Manic took Scourge by the hand and the two ran, Sonic followed behind as he attacked the demons that were chasing them.


Commander Dark was looking at everything through the magic mirror and wasn't too pleased about it. He snarled and punched the wall. That was when he noticed something. His eyes caught the attention of the younger hedgehog attacking the demons with the fire power and the chain. He said to himself, "Why does that hedgehog look familiar? I should zoom in." That's what he did. The mirror zoomed into Sonics face before Commander Dark 'in pure shock as his eyes widened' said in shock, "No way! Thats impossible! It can't be..." He then thought as he said, "Unless..." He looked at the hedgehog in the mirror and said, "Only one way to find out for myself."

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