Final Battle

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The darkness has one more trick up it's sleeve and it's up to the three hedgehogs to end it all along with the descendants of what's left of his friends from the past. What's left of the demon army haft to do what Commander Dark told them to do and rescue him.

Here they are now, on the battle field. With determination and a new level of seriousness. Manic held Scourge's hand as Sonic thought to himself, "I probably hope this will do. Once this is over, darkness will fade forever." He prepared his fire power as Manic and Scourge prepared.


Just before Sonic left, Scourge reasoned with him to talk to Dark. Sonic 'in deep frustration' and said, "Oh okay Scourge I will." Sonic walked to the cell as Scourge told him with compassion, "Hey, you may not know it but you really are in love with him." Sonic flinched but he knew she was right. Sonic went to the cell and looked at him. Dark was just hugging his knees in guilt while sitting near the bars. Sonic sat in the opposite side of the cell. He asked him, "What not gonna sneakily touch my thigh?" Dark looked at him in tears as Sonic was surprised to see him crying. He said as he looked away, "How embarrassing for you to see me like this?" Sonic asked with pity, "Why are you upset?" Dark then answered him, "Cause I'm sorry..." Sonic asked to him, "About what?" Dark reached his hand onto Sonics, as he whispered to him, "Be careful babe." Sonic sighed deeply and muttered sadly, "I wish I remembered you."


The two brothers were as determined. One of the demons said, "Let our Commander go!" Scourge replied to it as she blew him up, "NOT A CHANCE SHITFACE!" The demon exploded. What's left of the demons snarled as The Hedgehog Brothers started to fight what's left of the demon army. Scourge blew up a few of the demons, Sonics fire power turned white as he burned half of the demons, Manic slaughtered 4 demons. But all of a sudden, Sonic and Manic combined their powers to defeat what's left of the demon army. The white flames surrounded them  as they floated in the sky. The demon army were frightened as one of them shouted, "DO Something!!" The two glow white as their power shined brighter. The light glows in the purest white as the demons started to turn to ash. They screamed in demonic agony while faded back to the darkness.

Both brothers find themselves floating in a white glow as Sonic asked, "Where are we Manic?" Manic replied to him, "I dunno dude, but I think our curse has been lifted. Maybe we're going to Rest In Peace." A familiar voice said, "Correction, you both will live for eternity." Sonic and Manic asked, "Father?" It was indeed Jule's voice. That's when Jule's voice said, "Your curse is lifted with your eternal Love. But unlike us, you both will live in another world to watch over the mortals along side your eternal soulmate. Sort of like Gods." Manic asked in amazement, "So that's what you meant when you & Grandfather said 'a new era' to our curse?" Jules voice said, "Correct my son. You will watch over the mortals and protect it from Darkness for eternity. As the galaxies new protectors." The two hugged each other as the white glow shined brighter.

Eternal LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora