Unexpected Dream

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That night, Sonic was still looking out the window. While Manic was preparing the bed for Scourge. The female hedgehog was a little shy as she said, "Your real sweet Manic but you didn't haft to..." Manic cut her off gently and said, "It's the least we can do for you. Besides it's great to see a familiar face once in a while. For what I understand, I'm glad your okay." Scourge smiled before she frowned and said while looking at Sonic, "I wonder if Blue is okay." Manic replied to her, "He's been this way ever since what happen to his pals 300 years ago." Scourge turn to him and said, "Oh God. I heard about that. Is he going to be okay Manic?" He shook his head and replied, "I'm not sure. Years went by and it seemed the memories of his friends faded away. He couldn't go to their graves after Father went to the Afterlife. He doesn't even remember how he was smiling while they were here. He couldn't remember them at all." Scourge let out a light gasped as she felt sorry for him. She then asked, "What can we do for him?" Manic answered, "Nothing right now. Except watch over him quietly. The curse will be lifted when we find our eternal love but what Father told us, it has a new era to it. Whatever that means." Scourge said nothing but she took Manics hand for comfort. Manic smiled at her and said, "But listen, we'll do what we can to vanquish Commander Dark and protect you at the same time. We're this worlds only hope now."


Commander Dark looked into the mirror with the image of Sonic in his hood. Knuckles muttered, "If what I see is real then I only have one way to find out." Ge called for his dark guards while looking at the mirror. The captain of the dark guards came in and said, "You called Commander?" Thats when Commander Dark said with a serious tone, "If course I did!! There's been a change of plans!" He pointed to the mirrors image of Sonic and said, "Bring me the hedgehog with the hood! Alive and unharmed!" One of the demon guards asked, "But commander, what about the prisoner?" Commander Dark shouted, "FORGET THE PRISONER! Now, tomorrow at dawn, find the hedgehog in the hood. Bring him to me unharmed." The demons said as they salute, "WE SEARCH AS THE MOON GOES DOWN!!" Commander Dark was satisfied as he said, "Excellent." He then thought, "I'll haft to track him down in his dreams. Though judging from our first contact. It doesn't look he remembers me. Though it's a miracle I remember him."

<Later that night>

Sonic slept on the couch as he sighs. The night wind blew as the clouds thundered loudly. The sky started to flash as it started to rain. Sonic started to twitch and gasped as he twist and turn. Images of the past flash in his mind. He started to sweat before he woke up with a gasp as he sat up. Sonic felt his head as he heavily breaths. Sonic whispered to himself, "Good lord. Those flashing images again. Why do they keep haunting me?" Sonic sighed deeply as he took off his shirt. He laid back down and closed his eyes while trying to sleep.

The rain poured harder as Sonic tried to keep his eyes shut tight.

Sonics eyes snapped open as he heard a familiar voice, "Frightened by your past. No surprise." He looked to see an unfamiliar area 'he was laying on a red gothic sofa' as he looked to see Commander Dark right on top of him. Sonic glared at him and whispered, "Commander Dark. So we meet at last." Commander Dark looked at the shirtless hedgehog before looking at Sonics face 'which was nothing but a hateful glare'. He thought, "Just as I suspected. He really is Sonic." He then said to Sonic, "Wish I can say the same for you Sonic The Hedgehog." He protested, "Hey my names Maurice and that's it." Thats when he pinned Sonics arms above his head immediately and said in a serious tone, "Don't try to trick me I know who you actually are." Sonic glared at him and said, "If you just kidnapping me in order to torment me just to get me to tell you where your prisoner is, we'll you picked the wrong hedgehog to deal with Dark." Commander Dark chuckled in a dark lookin way while getting between Sonics legs before he said, "Hehehe. Who says anything about tormenting you? I haven't kidnapped you, 'yet'. But, it will be you we're after now." He started to get a sexual interest in the blue hedgehogs body before he licked his shoulder. Sonic resisted before Commander Dark whispered just after smelling Sonics quills and blowing in his ear, "Fresh and alive. Better watch your back once my army grabs it and brings you to me." Sonic attempted to struggle out of his grip but Commander Darks grip was tightened. Sonic flinched before Commander Dark started sucking on his neck. Sonic blushed a deep red as he gasped. Sonic whispered, "S-Stop...W-What are you doing to me..?" Sonic gasped loudly before Commander Dark bit his neck hard and sexually. Before Sonic knew it, he found himself looking at the Dark Commanders (familiar) purple eyes (that were sparkling like the stars). Sonic was gonna yell but Dark kissed him instantly and roughly on the lips.

Sonic jolted up and saw he was back on the couch where he was at. Sonic said to himself as he felt his neck, "Was that some kind of dream? Was it real? Cause it felt like it."

Eternal Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें