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Once Manic was alone with Dark, he glared at him. Dark said to him as he held onto the bars, "I know you already know it's me bitch." Manic coldly replied to him as he looked down on him, "Just because Sonic forgotten doesn't mean I have too. I haft to admit. Of all the dumbass things you did besides being gullible. I didn't think you go this low, Knuckles The Echidna." Dark 'angrily provoked' said, "Don't you dare say that name, you psychotic son of a bitch!" Manic growled lowly and said, "I haft to admit, I didn't actually think I see you again, I thought you passed away and your kind extinct. I thought you perished with your 'boyfriend'. Now where's the ultimate-life form? Is he pretty much okay with you trying to rape my brother?" Dark replied, "He's dead. His immortal blood saved me from a deadly sickness, and that alone was the reason I'm still here for 300 years. But during my grief, I want the other crush I had, your baby brother..." Manic yelled at him, "After what you did to him?! Not a chance!"

Manic then explained to the imprisoned Commander, "Before his memories faded away, Sonic told me everything. You were the only remaining he had and yet you betrayed him. You pushing him, sent him to get cut on his already damaged eye. When he got hurt, he was blinded by one eye. He could barely see out of his left eye but now he can't see anything at all with his left eye. To him it was like his eye was ripped off." Dark was surprised as he recalled that day. Manic continued, "His eye was forever damaged. His heart broken into one fucking million pieces that all of the bodies of his God Damn friends are 6 fucking feet below us! Every single friend of his is 'gone forever and never coming back'. He had to feel guilt for being alive, attending the funeral alone along with me, watching what's left of everybody growing sick and old until they pass away, we even watched our God damn sister grow fucking old and die!" He then banged on the wall and said in tears, "Now here you are, crawling back into his life, but as our enemy!" Dark replied, "Believe you me, I wanted him and your standing in my way." Manic then protested, "Oh so you wanted him, well sexually harassing him is one thing, wanting him is another. He doesn't remember you!"

Manic wanted to hit him so badly but once Scourge rush to him and held him, Manic calmed himself down. Scourge then looked at Dark and said, "Of all the things you did red, this takes the cake. I didn't actually think it was you, until we pulled your hood off. Believe me not one of us thought." Dark replied, "Says you criminal!" Scourge protested, "Thats ex-criminal to you, you broke me and turned me into a woman." She then asked, "So why are you after Blue now? We're you going to do the same to him like you did to me? We're you also going to kill him just so you can resurrect Stripes from the dead like you were trying to do to me?" Dark muttered while a tear fell from his face, "Of course not... But it was not Shadow I wanted to resurrect." Manic realized something. Dark 'back when was Knuckles' was going to use Scourge to bring Sonic back but after realizing he and Sonic are immortal, he had a change of plans. Manic then said with deep hatred in his voice, "Well your too late to make things right with us Dark. You won't be getting any sympathy from me or anyone."

Scourge then said calmly, "You already done enough heartache and sorrow to Blue. A long time ago, you two were friends no matter how idiotic your mistakes were. But you did not let every little thing go and that led you to betray him with Stripes. Even if he does remember you, he'll only see nothing than a mere traitor, breaking his heart. You can't change the past Dark. Damage is done. But we'll have the last laugh once the darkness perishes." Manic nodded in agreement before she told Dark, "Enjoy your time asshole." The two walked off as Dark felt bad for everything he had done. Sonic reached out to him but he turned him away. If he just give him comfort and be there for him like a friend I'd suppose to. If he didn't leave them all behind. Would things be different? To Dark, it was all just regrets of his own.

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