Attempt To Capture FAIL!

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Sonic rushed to the bathroom and sees a hickey on his neck. Sonic thought to himself, "Oh God. Has he...?" He trailed off. His lips tasted like grapes. Was the Dark commander wearing grape flavored lip balm? What was that all about? Questions bounced inside Sonics head like a pinball machine. Shat would the Dark Commander want with him?

The rain was still pouring when morning came. Sonic explained everything to Manic and Scourge 'who were shocked'. Manic said to himself, "Harass my brother will he?" Scourge asked, "So he kissed you blue?" Sonic replied in a unhappy tone, "Hell yeah he did." Sonic asked, "Did he do that to you?" Scourge shook her head and said, "Not even close. He only whips me and tortured me. I keep getting groped by one of the demon guards whether it's on my boobs or my thighs. The demon guard even gagged me once just to hear me moaning in a muffled way. Ugh!" Manic wrapped an arm around her and said, "I knock that dumbass down if he tried to do that to you again." Thats when Manic said, "Guys? We may need to do some shopping. Scourge also needs to get a weapon to protect herself. Plus we may need her to blend in like us." Sonic nodded before the three got ready.

<Later on>

Sonic, Scourge, and Manic walked around and doing some shopping. Though Scourge permanently dyed her fur 'a deep crimson red with a hint of dark blue' she changed her clothes into a black tank top, a blue plaid shirt skirt, a dark grey shirt short sleeve jacket, and two black short go-go boots. She even had a ponytail on her quills. She has a bazooka gun to protect herself. The three looked to see another set of demons nearby. Possibly 8 of them. One of the demons spotted the blue hedgehog and said, "THERE IS THE TARGET!!" Manic grabbed Scourge and held her in his arms. Sonic made sure to be prepared. One of the Demons said, "Hello Maurice, we were told by the commander to bring you to him." Sonic used his fire power on him and said, "CAN IT BLACKY!!" The second demon said as a rope appears in its hand, "Feisty. I can see why the commander wants you." The second Demon said to the other 6, "Keep him busy while I target him." The third demon said, "Don't forget the commander wants him alive and unharmed." The second demon nodded as they try to attack Sonic at once but Manic used his power to kill 2 of the demons and Scourge used her bazooka gun on the other 2 as she said, "Thats for touching me you perverts!!" Sonic killed the 5'th demon with the fire power but Sonic was caught off guard as the demon caught him in the lasso. The demon said, "Gotcha!" Sonic used his fire encrusted chain to cut the rope and said, "Don't try it you bastard." He then killed the demon as he got free. Manic asked, "You okay bro?" Sonic replied, "Yeah. Let's finish shopping and get back." Scourge and Manic nodded in agreement before the three walked off.

<later on>

Commander Dark asked angrily after hearing about their failure, "SO YOU FAILED?!" The demon guard said, "I'm sorry commander! He was too hard to catch." Commander Dark muttered, "I shouldn't be surprised." The demon guard then asked, "Should I get more demons to go after him?" Commander Dark then said, "No! I'll haft to trap and kidnap him myself. Though I may need to think of a plan."

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