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The two brothers couldn't even leave the house until the reporters left. Sonic was began to feel grateful that he still had his brother by his side. Like a little kid clinging to his older sibling, Sonic held his brothers hand for comfort. He sniffed and said, "Why does every bad thing happen to us big brother? I'm so frightened." Manic said to him with sympathy as he held his younger brother close as if clinging to dear life, "Sonic, it's going to be okay. Don't be scared." Thats when the door knock was heard. Manic walks to the door and shouts, "DUDES! I told you we are not taking any questions!" Manic opened the door and to his surprise, it was their Father and Uncle. Sonic walked to the door and saw them as well. Jules eyes widened at the marks on their faces before he said in fright, "Oh Lord, I hoped this day wouldn't come." Manic asked as he crossed his arms, "What wouldn't come?" Sonic also asked, "What are you talking about Dad and what are you doing here?" Chuck turn to Jules and asked, "You mean you never told them?" Jules protested his big brother, "You said you were going to Charles!" Chuck 'in embarrassment' said, "Oh yeah. I forgot." Jules facepalmed and muttered, "Oh for the love of..." Manic asked, "What is this about and yeah why are you here?" Jules and Chuck entered the house as Chuck said, "We came to give you our condolences Sonny boy but after seeing the marks on your faces, guess there's a change of plans." Manic asked, "Hold on Uncle C. You know something about this? When we went to bed I swear these were not there before we woke up." Jules nodded and said, "I'm afraid we do son. Manic, you and your brother are cursed." Both the hedgehog brothers eyes widened with fright and shock. Manic stuttered as he asked in fright and frustration, "Cursed?! Your joking! Right?!Dad tell us! Is this some sort of sick joke?!" Jules shook his head in sorrow and answered, "Son, I've been a cocky joker like you two are now when I was your age, but I'm afraid it's no joke. You two have been cursed. Just like me and your Uncle are." Sonic gasped as he covered his mouth as Manic stumbled back in disbelief. Sonic asked his father and Uncle, "Dad. Uncle Chuck. How the hell did this happen?!" Jules sighed deeply and said as he sat down, "My sons. There is something that your uncle and I never told you. We wanted to tell you both but we couldn't bring ourselves to." The boys sat down as their Uncle sat next to Jules. Chuck sighed and said, "It's time we told you the truth boys." Jules then said, "A long time ago in the days of your grandfather. Things took a turn for the worst. We were cursed by something awful. Something unexplainably wicked. Your Grandfather was more old than he looked. So are we." Sonic and Manic were in disbelief at what they're saying. Manic said, "Wait a God damn minute! Are you saying you guys are immortal?!" Jules nodded and said, "Afraid so, we both know the curse can only be lifted with eternal love but...It took me a century to find your mother and Charles has been with the same woman that he loved. Our bodies will turn to stone in a hundred years since we found our eternal love, but a new era of the curse is here." The two stood up as Chuck said, "Manny? The curse has been passed down to you and Sonny. Both of you." Sonic asked, "Why only us?" Jules answered him, "Cause the curse only can work on males in our family. Since you and your older brother are the only remaining males in the family besides me and your Uncle Chuck. Chances are you both cannot die. You still get hurt but you can't die. But I'm afraid you both can't age either." Sonic asked shakily, "Y-You don't mean...?" Jules nodded and said somberly, "I'm afraid so... I'm sorry son. I wish there was another way but unfortunately only eternal love can lift the curse." Sonic knew what that meant. It means he and his brother will watch everyone they knew grow old and die. They had to be force to watch them while they didn't age or die at all. Though still not believing it, the two held each other tight. Jules said to him, "I know it's hard to hear. But I'm afraid it's the truth. I first noticed it a week after you both were born along with your sister."


Two of the baby hedgehogs were in their Grandfather 'Kelios' sight. He muttered, "2 sons. Figures that this will happen." He took a knife, cut his finger, and drew a crescent moon mark on the left side of their cheek. Jules saw this and shouted, "Father! What are you doing to my sons?!" Kelios replied sadly, "They've been marked with the curse." Jules eyes widened and said, "No! Not both my sons!" Kelios replied sadly, "I'm afraid so. The mark on their faces will reappear at the stroke of midnight during the age of 16. Both Adrien and Maurice will be cursed but it has a new era I'm afraid." Jules then said, "Their official names are Manic and Sonic Father. Get with the century okay?" Kelios sighed and gently facepalmed as he mumbled, "Parents and their weird baby names. Least my granddaughter has a normal name." He then sees Baby Manic and Sonic looking at him and their father. They cooed and smiled while reaching for them. Jules smiled and said, "Done with your naps already boys? Come on you two." He picked them up and hoped the curse didn't pass it down to them. Jules asked, "You sure you don't wanna hold either of your grandsons Father?" Kelios replied politely, "I'm sure son. Besides something about your youngest one is not normal. Besides the curse." He looked at the baby blue hedgehog and said, "Seriously. Something about you is not normal Mini-Jules. But I know somehow you and your brother are gifted."

<flashback ends>

Sonic and Manic were frightened and confused but they believed their Father and Uncle. Manic then said, "If what your saying is true Father, then we need your help. Whatever time you got left, you need to guide me and Sonic. Through all this." Jules looked at his brother as Chuck nodded. Jules turn to back to his sons and said, "Very well."

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