Kiss me

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I sneaked quietly through my window with Donghyun and breathed a sigh of relief. The silence that prevailed was not exactly pleasant and Donghyun seemed like he wanted to hear something specific from me, so I spoke up, "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened there myself, I was like a completly different person. Please don't tell Mom and Dad I'll do anything please..." he just stood there and let me say all sorts of embarrassing things in front of him and folded his arms.

"Are you done sister?" "Huh, what do you mean?" "I won't say anything, calm down. I seem to see something you don't see yourself. You like him." Before I could even process what my brother just said and before I could think about what to say, I babbled out, "Yes, but please don't tell anyone Donghyun." My hands were immediately in front of my mouth. "Goodness gracious me! Now you know it too." I heard a deep giggle, "That's not funny Donghyun, if Mom and Dad find out I'll be sitting at home for a whole year and not go out." Sure, I knew Donghyun would never say anything, but that wasn't my point at all.

My concern was that if something were to happen in the near future, it would not only affect me, but also Donghyun and especially Jungkook.

Jungkook. How he looked today, his dark brown hair fixed slightly to the side with some gel. The light gray shirt slightly tucked into the black pants. The black leather jacket. A fierce rebel. My parents are killing me. Not just because I fell in love, but because I also fell in love with a not-so-decent boy. I mean he's extremely well mannered and a real gentleman but he does things like skip school or he's somewhere different every night. It's unbelievable that his parents allow him to do that. Mine would have thrown me out long ago.

"Listen Y/N, I'm not mad or anything and I really won't say anything. But remember, they could always find out eventually, so be careful. Get to know Jungkook, but if you get caught I can't help you or him anymore. "Would you really do that for me?" I looked up expectantly. He indicated a nod, "Thanks, you're the best brother anyone could ask for." "Not for that, I know how it feels to have feelings for someone." He looked down at his feet with a light laugh. "Have you fallen in love? With who, Dongi?" I blurted out, "Who is she?" "She's from my class, we're just getting to know each other."

I know that my parents will be less strict with him than with me, of course I will still not say anything, but since he will soon be 18 and on his own two feet, he will move out and make up his own mind. With me, they make sure that I don't get on the wrong track and then at some point no longer have a real future. I know they only want what's best for me, but taking away my freedom and a chance at love isn't a good approach.

Duri always says I'm too mature for my age, but that's not a bad thing at all. I know how to behave around strangers or places, I know how to take care of myself.

Donghyun smiled, wished me good night and left my room. I put on my pajamas and got into bed.


I had to spend the weekend studying and doing homework, on Sunday I went to a diner with Duri and Iseul for lunch and then to the park. There are a few exams and tests coming up next week, so today we wanted to go to the city library together after school and study. Since we don't have long school today, it's a great opportunity.

After the third lesson, which was cooking, we had to go to science class. One of my favorite subjects. Women should actually be enthusiastic about cooking and sewing, but I'm not that interested. I find science so complex and interesting, as well as marine biology, which unfortunately I can only learn at college.

On the way to class, none other than Jungkook himself passed me. But this time all alone. When we were barely a step apart, we stopped. "Hello Jungkook" I greeted him. "Hello Lovely" he greeted back. Since we still had 5 minutes until the next lesson, I spoke to him about Friday "Friday was wonderful, thank you for making it possible for me." „Are your parents really that strict?" he asked, emphasizing 'really'. "Mostly to me," I replied, a little broken.

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