Last Hours

24 1 3

2 weeks have passed since I left home and moved in with Jungkook, Juwon and their parents. I explained to Jungkook my plan to get Seo-ah here as quickly as possible and tried to slowly say goodbye to him. His parents are very kind and completely different than mine. I'm slowly getting used to it here and I'm actually really enjoying it here...I feel like I'm at home.

We were just sitting at the dining table having dinner when Jeong Hoon, Jungkook's father, looked at his son with joy and pride. "So Jungkook, since this is your last evening here and we will miss you terribly, especially your mom," we all looked at Soo Yoon, Jungkook's mother, who took a tissue, sniffled and looked up at Jeong Hoon in tears. "Go on, I can do it." We laughed briefly and turned back to him. "Well, we just want to tell you that we are very proud of you, son. You've always been honest and a good boy, it's hard to believe you're all grown up now. You will always be our son, we will stand by you and if you need help, we will help you." I had to pull myself together not to cry too.

Jungkook's little brother Juwon got up from his chair, ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much Kookie." Jungkook hugged him even tighter and whispered something in his ear, to which Juwon nodded quickly and sincerely, then he went back to his seat and Jeong Hoon continued. "I am confident that you will do well in the military and come back, please always take care of yourself. "You're in the process of building a life with this girl here," he smiled at me, "and I want you to achieve a lot in your life and settle down at some point. I want to be a grandpa after all." Suddenly I blushed, Jungkook noticed and took my hand in his with his elbows on the table and kissed it. As if that didn't make me even redder.

Then Jungkook stood up and started to speak "Thank you dad, I will really miss you as much as you miss me, I have to thank you too. For being such great parents even if I am not, or was not always the perfect son, for taking good care of each other and protecting Juwon and of course for accepting Y/N and taking her in here and her sister too of course...even if she can't be here yet." He looked at my features to make sure I was okay. Then Soo Yoon cleared her throat again "And we are so happy to have you here with us Y/N, we know what you and your siblings had to go through and I promise you we will do everything in our power to get custody of Seo-ah and we will!" Juwon ran off again and this time he hugged me tightly. "Exactly and when Kookie is gone you can play with me." I nodded. "Of course, I'm looking forward to it and soon Seo-ah can also play with you." "Ah And one more thing, we officially welcome you into our family and are really happy that you make our Jungkook this happy!" Now i started to cry "Thank you very much."

The Next Day

Today was Sunday which means Jungkook needs to attend the military today and i will not see him 5 whole months.

Jungkook told me that all new soldiers are getting picked up from home by a bus and taken to the sector they have been assigned to.

When it was time to say goodbye, we walked out of the house hand in hand, his parents and Juwon behind us. We were all surprisingly quiet. "Y/N, baby, don't make that sad face or it will be much more harder for me than it is right now, I'm gonna write you as much as I can, okay?" his thumb and index finger lifted my chin so I could look deep into his black orbs "So will you be a good girl and write me back and wait for me?" I just nodded and then smiled. He looked behind me at his parents "Take good care of her and Seo-ah until I get back okay?" he then looked deep into my soul and oh boy, how much I'm in love with him. He pulled me to him and kissed me as tenderly and as long as he could.

When we heard a humming engine, we broke apart and saw the bus pulling up. "Time to go." "I don't want you to go." I whispered, more to myself than to him but he still heard it. "I have to go sweetheart, I know it's hard but i'll be back soon." I pulled away from him completely so he could say goodbye to his family and then he walked towards the bus, climbed the two steps, the door closed and he was gone.

'5 months Y/N' 'Only 5 months'

Kwan Choi POV

It was only a matter of time before that stupid boy was finally gonefrom home. My secretary came into the office "Mr. and Mrs. Choi, we want to welcome the new soldiers to our sector, are you both ready?" I stood up, brushed non-existent dust from my pants and looked at my wife who was looking out a window. I stood next to her and looked at the soldiers who were already lined up and waiting for us. One in particular caught my eye. "Are you ready, darling?" she jumped up slightly and smiled at me, "Oh yes, let's go" and hooked her arm into mine.

You are now in my territory, your last hour has come, Jeon Jungkook.

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