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I left the classroom with Duri and Iseul, who I've been talking to again since I've been living with Jungkook's parents. I'm no longer afraid. I immediately told them everything and apologized to them. They said I didn't need to and that they understood me 100 percent, but they wanted me to contact them if I had a problem like that again and not to just let it slide. I also let them in on the Seo-ah thing to get her to come to me, but we still need to wait a bit more. Also, today was my 17th birthday and I wanted to go dancing with them both. My parents would never allow me to do that but I no longer care about their opinion.

"Oh Y/N ​​before I forget, we have a little birthday present for you here." Iseul rummaged through her bag and looked for it, she held out a small box to me, which I happily accepted. "Oh thank you, but you didn't have to give me anything." "Oh nonsense, you'll like that." Duri couldn't wait to see my reaction. When I opened the box there was a brooch and a small fabric bracelet inside. I took the two things out and looked up, Iseul and Duri both pulled their uniform jackets a little to the side and both wore this brooch on their white shirts. "You got it too? How nice, thank you!" I squeezed both of them at the same time. "The three of us are inseparable and this is a reminder to you that you can always count on us and we can count on you." "Thanks girls, you are the best." "So now go home and later we'll meet in front of your home Y/N." Duri was more happy than any of us that we were finally doing something together again. "Yes, boss."

30 minutes later I arrived at Jungkook's parents' house, my home, it's still unusual to call it my home but that's it now. I went straight to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I was surprised when I found Soo Yun and Jeong Hoon there and they were already coming towards me. "Happy 17th Birthday Sunshine, I wish you happiness and health for the future." Soo Yun hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead very gently. While we were still hugging, I looked up at her and said thank you. "Happy 17th birthday from me too, you really deserve all the joy in this world, little one." "Thank you Jeong Hoon, I really appreciate that." Juwon stomped down the stairs from his room and jumped into my arms " Happy birthday Y/Nie, thank you for playing with me." We all started laughing "You're welcome." I put him down and Jeong Hoon started talking "So since you've officially been living with us for 1 month, of course we want to give you something like a housewarming gift..." Soo Yun continued, "We don't know if you like it, but it's worth a try. Come with me."

They went up the stairs that led to the guest room where I'm currently sleeping and stopped in front of the door. When they turned to me and said nothing, I became self-conscious, but my smile remained. The door opened and what I saw was a completely renovated and decorated room. How could they get this done within the few hours I was at school? The walls were newly painted white, the bed was the same but turned to the other side and covered with a fresh duvet and pillows. The desk was repainted and placed in front of the window with a large white candle. The wooden floor was still the same but I loved it. My dresser was replaced with a light wood wardrobe. I was speechless.

"Do you like it? If you would like to change something, you are welcome to do so." I immediately hugged them both. "It's perfect and so beautiful, I can't put into words how beautiful I think it is, thank you for everything." I felt a river flowing tears pooled in my eyes. "Oh, darling, are you crying?" Soo Yun looked at me worriedly. "I'm sorry, I just... oh, I don't know." "It's okay to cry, especially with your backstory, it's okay. We understand you and are there for you and missing them is okay too. After all, they are your parents, so you still have a bond to a certain extent. And I know that you miss your sister even more. We're also making progress with the guardianship papers, if that calms you down a bit." I looked at Jeong Hoon with hope. "It does, thank you. And thank you again for this wonderful gift." He stroked my shoulder "Not for that. I found out you wanted to go out with your friends today, right?" "Yeah, is that okay?" "Sure, sunshine, but don't be home too late, hmm.." Soo Yun raised two fingers to her chin " ...let's agree on 9 p.m.?" "That's more than enough, thanks Soo Yun." "You're welcome." The two of them went down the stairs and I still had enough time to get ready before the girls and I meet up.

8 p.m.

We've been dancing for two hours in a little club, that's certainly for people of our age, that Duri found somewhere. It is great. I finally feel like I should feel, happy, free and one year older. The only thing that stands in the way of my complete happiness is the absence of my sister, I miss her immensely, but I will have her back soon, it's just a matter of time. "And do you like it Y/N, is this how you imagined your 17th birthday?" Iseul was exhausted, we slowly came to the end of the day and stopped dancing. "So I didn't expect it that it would be so great, but it was and still is. You made it possible, thank you! Shall we start walking home?" both agreed with me, took our thick winter jackets, put them on and left.

On the way home we arrived at my front door and I said goodbye to them. It was probably only half past eight in the evening so I arrived early. I rang the bell and Juwon opened the door for me, he was already in his pajamas which means he was probably just about to go to bed. "You're still up." "Mom and Dad gave me permission to play for half an hour." I walked into the house while taking off my jacket. "Allowed or did you use your little googly eyes to persuade them?" I nudged his nose with my index finger and laughed out loud. He grinned "I don't know what you mean" and he suddenly disappeared upstairs.

I heard a faint radio static coming from the living room and made my way there. Soo Yun and Jeong Hoon were both sitting by the fireplace with a cup of tea and listening to the radio. I joined them on the sofa. "You're already here, was it nice?" She handed me a cup of tea which I happily accepted. "It was wonderful, I hope your evening was as wonderful as mine." Jeong Hoon's eyes moved away from the fireplace and towards my eyes. "Our evening was very relaxed, we were briefly at the market square with Juwon and walked along the weekly market." "I'm glad you three also had fun today."

I smiled to myself, still enjoying the warmth of the fire and the cup of tea in my hands. Then I felt Soo Yun hand on my shoulder and hold out a letter in front of my lap with the other. My eyes widened and I froze, looking into her eyes, then at Jeong Hoon "Is that...?" "The postman brought it 2 hours ago, just in time for your birthday, here please take it." I took the letter from Soo Yun and looked at it, turned it over and, yes, yes finally. "Is it okay with you if I go upstairs?" They both nodded until Jeong Hoon said "Take your time and read it in peace, goodnight sunshine." I grinned at both of them "Goodnight." With the cup of tea in my right hand and the letter in my left, I quickly ran up into my room to my desk. There were matches in a drawer with which I lit the white candle and sat down on my chair. I carefully opened the letter, removed the wax seal and kept it in the drawer. When I took out the paper there was also a photo with it. Jungkook in his military clothes with an expressionless face but still the most charming boy I know and love.

I put the photo with the seal in the drawer and read the letter that said

My dearest Y/N, I've been here for 2 weeks and since then not a day goes by that I don't think about you, about us. I miss you. Since you're probably curious and want to know what it's like here, I'll tell you a little bit. It turned out that I was assigned to Sector 5, the sector where your father is in charge. But don't worry sweetheart, nothing happened here and we're all studying hard, I still have a month and 2 weeks until I'm completely finished with the training. My team is very friendly and also very strong and confident. Also, a little bird named Donghyun chirped to me that today is your birthday. Happy birthday love. You deserve the world baby. And I don't deserve you. I am more than happy to call you my girlfriend. I hope you spent your day with your friends and had fun. I should also greet you from Donghyun, he is doing great. A little secret, but that remains between us, he is engaged to his girlfriend and wants to marry her soon he just didn't know when to tell you. One day I want that with you too . I'm looking forward to your answer and counting the days until I have you in my arms again. Rily Jungkook.

That's all I ever wanted and missed. Him. His voice, his warmth, we are just fresh in love and already are separated from each other, I'm afraid it won't end well. But this letter gives me hope for the future. I folded it and put it in the drawer too and closed it. Then I got a pen and paper and started writing.

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