Planned or not?

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Everyone packed their bags in the afternoon. Donghyun's birthday didn't bother mom and dad very much today. They congratulated him, gave him two presents and otherwise carried on as any other day. Our plan was to go to bed after dinner and wait for our parents to sleep. I put on my black bikini and a loose dress over it. The sun is almost gone now. Donghyun snuck into my room since my window faced the street. Now we just waited for Jungkook to come with the others. A red Chrysler pulled up and stopped by our house.

The driver got out and ran to the window. Of course I recognized him and smiled at him. We opened the window to get out and then two hands were held out to me, "Hello pretty girl, do you need a little help?" The window was so high that I could just see Jungkook's head. So it was just a little jump down. He reached up to my waist with his arms and helped me down to the ground, Donghyun jumped after me.

Jungkook looked over me "Happy birthday, what is it that your sister always say? ‚Dongi'?" Jungkook had to smile, at first Donghyun didn't think it was funny at all, I knew he hated that nickname, but shortly afterwards he laughed too. "Come on, let's go!" I whispered but jumped back and forth excitedly.

We greeted the others at the car and drove off. The mood was relaxed and fun. While Jungkook drove us to the lake, he held my hand and stroked it tenderly. I kept getting a surge of euphoria through my body.

At the lake we laid a large blanket on the floor. Since there were only pebbles there, it wasn't so smart to just sit down somewhere in the dark.
Duri took my hand and ran into the water with me, Iseul followed us "Come on guys, we don't have all night!" I corrected her "Actually we do." We splashed water on each other and just had fun. I couldn't believe myself that I'm doing this right now, that I'm finally doing something other than studying and sitting around at home, but it was the best feeling.

Jungkook swam towards me, the other four still playing around. He wrapped his hands around my waist and despite it being so dark I could clearly see his eyes sparkling. "How do you like it here?" he asked attentively. I looked up at him and wanted to yell into the world how happy I am right now, "I'm beyond happy, Kookie. To be here with you. Having fun, being free...and being with you." I rested my forehead on his. "What you make me feel... Jungkook, I don't know if I've ever felt so independent and free. You make my life better." I whispered afterwards, my hands wandering down his bare back. "You're driving me crazy, angel." Again, he looked deep into my eyes with that bunny smile, then he took my chin between his fingers and kissed me. With all the emotions we were both feeling right now, this kiss felt even more intense than any other we've shared before. "You're so gorgeous. You have no idea what a beautiful view my eyes have right now." Before I could even think, I blurted out, "I love you."

Too shocked to say anything, I tried to find a way not to be unnecessarily awkward and got a little nervous. "I mean, um, I..."

Jungkook was faster and pushed my face so that I was looking at him again. He did not say anything. It was quiet and I didn't want to say anything more, too afraid of saying the wrong thing. Another soft kiss landed on my lips, a little wet from licking his lips beforehand. But it was real. "I love you."

He said it. He said it back and grinned cheekily. Did he do this on purpose? Letting me wait till i feel insecure? I shoved him briefly "Do you mean it?" His face turned serious "Angel. When I say I love you I mean it. I love you" "But why so quickly?" I asked a little more quietly. He cocked his head, "Hey, weren't you the one who said it first?" "Yeah, but that wasn't planned." „Nothing like this in life is planned, darling. We both know now what's going on between us and that's good, isn't it?" "Yes" I looked at him deeply.

"Oh Shucks, you're driving me wild with your googly eyes." He pressed me against his body with all his might. The kiss was wet and wild. Jungkook started to use his tongue and made his way to mine. I allowed it and clawed my fingernails into his shoulders.

"Hey you lovebirds, that's enough. My poor eyes." Gunwon stopped our plan before it got uncomfortable. I almost forgot about the others and blushed. Good that nobody saw that. "Let's get out of the water before anyone else catches a cold," Iseul suggested. I ran out of the water hand in hand with Jungkook. A new feeling gathered in me. Comfort. Jungkook always makes me feel comfortable and happy like no other.
We all dried off on the blanket and enjoyed the time together.

After about an hour we decided to pack and let Jungkook drive us home.

"And how was your birthday now brother?" I turned to the right to Donghyun who was sitting next to me "Much better than today at noon, thanks for this guys." Iseul became curious "You're welcome. What happened at noon today?" I glanced at my brother to get his approval. "Nothing special, that's it. Our parents weren't interested in him at all." "What the hell is going on with your parents at the moment?" Duri raised his voice. I didn't want to end the day like this "Shh it's okay let's talk about it some other time. Let's give Donghyun a happy end on his birthday, right?"

After everyone agreed, we were almost there. Somehow I got an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe I'll get sick after all. It was already late at night, we were all tired from the busy day and wanted to go to bed. Again Jungkook stopped around the corner, but this time everyone got out. We all hugged eachother. "I will never forget this night. Thanks again!" Donghyun looked around. I also wanted to say thank you because we're both just having a hard time right now. "Yes, thank you, really." Everyone beamed at us and nodded. "Always a pleasure." Iseul came to me with open arms.

Then I walked in front of Jungkook, this time it was very difficult for me to say goodbye to him. "So..." I started "So?" he waited "Thank you for today Kookie and for every other day you were with me." he smiled at me „For you i'd do anything. See you on Monday." A short pause. "I love you." My knees barely held me and I fell into his arms and kissed him. "I love you too." I didn't want to let him go, not when it was so nice, why did it have to be like this. This secrecy, I want to show everyone that this guy is mine, but I can't, at least not yet. "See you on Monday Jungkook" I let him go.

He ran towards the car and drove the others home. "Come on Y/N let's go in." Donghyun stood a few meters further and waited for me. I turned to him and quietly made my way to my window. Donghyun helped me up and after that he jumped, grabbed the strap and was in. "Fine, done." I was more than happy that the plan worked. But that uneasy feeling was still there. "Yes, thank you Donghyun and I hope I could make you happy on your birthday" he smiled sweetly "Of course, it was wonderful" "But now go to bed, you must be tired." As if on command I yawned "I see. So sleep tight Y/N" I lay down in bed "Good night Dongi."

next morning

When I ran into the kitchen to sit down at the dining table, no one was there. I figured they were still asleep or my parents had an emergency at the Town Hall and weren't here. So I waited and a few minutes later Donghyun and Seo-ah came in and sat at the table. "Where are mom and dad?" Seo-ah asked "Maybe they're still asleep." I answered.

We waited half an hour, but then Donghyun and I decided to make breakfast ourselves. We made scrambled eggs and had bread, yoghurt and some fresh fruit with it. The three of us ate and the whole house was quiet.

After dinner we did the dishes and then we wanted to go to the park together. When we packed the bag, put on our shoes and walked to the door, but it was closed. I shook it because I thought it was stuck. "Wait Y/N let me help" Donghyun pushed me aside. But it didn't work for him either. Seo-ah got impatient and wanted to get out. We all.

Then there was a voice slowly approaching.

"If you don't want to hear, you have to feel Y/N."



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