The Crown Prince With A Heart Condition 6

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Xie Chengze has not lived comfortably these years.

He wants to hide his illness, he wants to surpass King Rui in every aspect, and he has to learn how to deal with government affairs...

His father doesn't care about his children at all, his mother is talented but her ability to write poems and prose won't make her life better in the harem.

If his mother was really a smart person, a suspicious person like his father would not let her enter the palace.

He was able to secure his position as the monarch, not by others, but by himself.

When he was young, he heard his mother say that he would rely on him in the future, he also saw that his mother had a difficult time in the harem, so he worked hard to cultivate cronies and strengthen himself.

Zhou Xueya is one of the cronies he cultivated.

As for the matter of looking for Miss Lu's back then...At that time, he had just formed his own team, and wanted to train the people under him, so he chose such a thing for them to do.

Later, Zhou Xueya led people to find that Miss Lu. He knew that the other party had left the brothel, so he let go of the matter.

He also did it for the good of that Miss Lu. If he paid too much attention to it, he may expose this Miss Lu and cause her troubles instead.

However...Xie Chengze didn't expect the Zhu's wife, whom he had met several times, was actually Miss Lu.

He also didn't even expect that the person he liked was actually a Lu family member.

Closing his eyes, Xie Chengze only felt nausea in his heart. His heartbeat was even faster than normal.

It took him a long time to recover, then he asked Zhou Xueya to explain the situation in detail.

Zhou Xueya glanced at Xie Chengze worriedly, and spoke from beginning to end.

Xie Chengze has been supervising the country for the past few years, and he has done a very good job too. In addition, people outside don't know that he has a heart condition...

The officials in the imperial court wished that the current emperor would be gone earlier, so that Xie Chengze would be enthroned.

Living under Xie Chengze's hands is much more comfortable than living under the suspicious current emperor!

Also because of this, Xie Chengze's power is far greater than King Rui. However, he is not as high-profile as King Rui.

He is the crown prince, he doesn't need to deal with this and that.

The power under Xie Chengze was divided among several people, and Zhou Xueya was one of them. Previously, Xie Chengze also sent someone to investigate Lu Yanzhou, it was Zhou Xueya who went to investigate.

At that time, it was only a simple search, but later Xie Chengze always went to find Lu Yanzhou, so Zhou Xueya thought that his highness wanted to take Lu Yanzhou under his command, so he went to check him out himself, wanting to investigate.

Then he recognized Lu Rong.

After recognizing Lu Rong, he immediately contacted his subordinates in the capital, and started following Lu Yanzhou and Lu Rong.

Back then, in order to find Lu Rong, Zhou Xueya purposely got acquainted with some people of all levels of education. These people could do anything. Because Zhou Xueya was willing to give money and arrange errands for them or their children, they were all willing to do things for Zhou Xueya.

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