Extra: Jealous

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Although Xie Chengze has recovered, his life experience is still different from others.

This made him particularly enthusiastic after he could get as close to Lu Yanzhou as he wanted without the robot blocking him.

In the first few days, he didn't even want to leave the bedroom. He just wanted to hug Lu Yanzhou and keep talking about his straightforward love. Even if he went out a few days later...

During breakfast, since Xie Chengze liked Lu Yanzhou, he fed the bun in front of him to Lu Yanzhou. After Lu Yanzhou took a bite, he happily ate the rest of the bun.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yanzhou pinched Xie Chengze's cheek funnily.

"Steamed buns like this are delicious!" Xie Chengze smiled sweetly.

"Okay," Lu Yanzhou also took a bun and handed it to Xie Chengze's mouth. He waited for Xie Chengze to take a bite and then ate the rest of the bun. "It's more delicious to eat buns like this."

Yu Qinshan: "..." he felt full after just a few bites!

When it was time to paint, Xie Chengze stayed by Lu Yanzhou's side and no longer wanted to paint.

He didn't know how to get close to Lu Yanzhou before, so he kept painting Lu Yanzhou. Now...

Now he still wants to paint, but he doesn't want to leave Lu Yanzhou.

"You don't want to paint today?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

"I want to." Xie Chengze said seriously. He still can't tell lies.

"Want to paint, but don't want to leave me?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze nodded seriously.

"I'll hold you, so let's paint together. You draw me and I draw you." Lu Yanzhou kissed him.

"Mm!" Xie Chengze nodded with satisfaction.

After learning that Xie Chengze had completely recovered, Yu Qinshan's friends came specially to congratulate him: "..." They couldn't even look at them!

They really should be grateful to the nanny robot's existence before. It has stopped these two sticky young people from hurting their aging souls.

In the evening...not mentioning anything else, Xie Chengze just wanted to hang on Lu Yanzhou.

In this era, applying for marriage is very simple. All the two of them need to do is apply on the terminal together. However, it will take a month after the application is approved before the marriage is officially considered.

During this period, either party can renege.

Of course, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze would not go back on their word, so they officially became husband and wife just one month later.

It was also that day that Lu Yanzhou finally started live streaming again.

Xie Chengze is not used to using contact terminals. He is not interested in various things on the Internet, but he already knows what a live streaming is and knows that many people will come to see him.

He naturally became reserved, ate breakfast with perfect etiquette, and concentrated on painting. He occasionally chatted with Lu Yanzhou about painting, so there was no trace that he had ever been an autistic patient.

"I heard that Xie Chengze has recovered?"

"It's a miracle!"

"This is definitely because heaven feels sorry for them."


"Happy wedding!


Netizens congratulated Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou at first, but then...

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