~2| The Boy Next Door

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In the hallways I feel like a sardine in a can. People passing by with their friends laughing and talking about their previous classes.

Taking my phone out of my back pocket and check my newsfeed. Nothing is there but a message from my Dad.

"I'm sorry about last night and this morning."

As I shut off my phone and roll my eyes. Putting my phone back into my pocket.

"Hey! Stop pulling my shirt. Man, you know I hate it when you do that." Garrette says with his eyebrows narrowing together.

Trying to avoid him. I feel embarrassed that I don't have anyone to sit at lunch with other then me, myself, and I.

I don't feel like getting into a huge lunch line. So I skip lunch for the day.

"Hey Nikki!" Coming from a girl in one of my classes. Shes really nice to me.

She was wearing grey joggers with a plain black v-neck shirt. And a heart best friend necklace. She had both parts of them.

"Hey!" I smile.

"Your in one of my classes. Which one is it again?" The girl questions me.

"I have no idea. I guess we will find out tomorrow." Giving her a nice smile back.

"Yeah, I guess so. How is your first day of school so far?" The girl.

I let out a big sigh while shaking my head. "It's funny that this is exactly how I pictured it to be. My morning went well." Smirking.

"Who is it?" Scaring me as she jumps towards my face, closing the space we have between us.

"Garrette." Giving a nice smile.

"You mean the football - basketball dude?"

" Yes. He did mentioned that he plays football. He's really cute. And he's my neighbor." Looking at the girl.

She was cheesing so hard. "You should get to know him more. Alot of girls like him since he's the captain for our football team. He isn't into relationships. But he previously brought a girl to the movies."

At least that's something..

"All of this is really nice. Laughing out loud. I'll see him sometime later maybe. Since we live by each other. I didn't catch your name by the way?"

" Oh I'm sure you'll see him. She's smiling. I'm Loren. And you?" Shaking my hand and still smiling.

"I'm Nikki." The bell rang.

"That's the warning bell. We don't have to go to our next class 20 minutes til. Well I gotta run. I need to get my schedule back from my friend. It's nice meeting you Nikki. See you later. Bye."

"Bye Loren! It was nice meeting you." Waving to her as she's walking away.

This girl is really nice. But I'm still wondering about her necklace. Wondering why she has both pieces.


"Have a good day Nikki" Joe says as he opens up the bus door.

"I'll try. But thanks any way Joe." Smiling back at him as I get off the bus.

Wow first day of school wasn't that bad. Way to go Nikki! You made new friends! Well..2. And that boy, Garrette. He's one pile of cuteness.

I'm already half way home. At least I think I am.

" Hey!"

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