~14| Sometimes I worry about you.

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"What do you mean?" I stared in his eyes. The only concern I have about him right now is if he cared about whatever he did.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "You don't have to worry about it now."

How in the hell is he supposed to tell me that he's done something to cause me getting hurt. "Are you stupid? Just tell me what you did!"

"Okay okay! The day before homecoming I went to a chicks house and we had a little fun. After we were done I wanted to leave because that's what I do. But she ended up talking about you."

"That's irrelevant. Why would she be talking about me? And really? You had to get laid by a girl like her? What did you do?" I can't ask enough questions.

"I'll just get to the chase. I only got laid because she found out that I was friends with you. She told me that she didn't like you because you're dating her ex."

I couldn't help but smack the boy in the face. "Trent, you weren't the cause of why I got jumped. You actually got the reason why I got jumped."

Trent stood there with a blank face.

"Then the guys who did it was told to do it. Oh wow is she that low?" I asked myself.

"Obviously." He said.

Out of all of the things I can call Trent he is the smart-dumb human being. And I don't understand why he wants to continue about this conversation about me getting jumped. I just want to leave it in the past.

I looked around the corner to see what Loren them were doing but they were just talking. "Hey. I don't really want to talk about this anymore. I want to leave it in the past. My bruises are healing and I'm getting happy. Okay?"

Trent looked at me as if I was crazy. "Nikki. I won't let it pass like it was nothing and I'm pretty sure Garrette won't let it pass by him either. None of us will. You can't just let things happen and not worry about it. As you've noticed High School isn't something that you'd just put in your past. It's either you get it done or let it roll around in your mind." Trent said.

"Yeah! I get it! I just don't want to be the reason why you guys would get suspended and get kicked off the team. I know how much football means to the both of you."

"Garrette doesn't care Nikki! This is his last year in High School anyways. He won't let a fight down like that. Not even if his girlfriend tells him not to. I'll remind you, we can act like gentlemens but it doesn't mean the beast isn't locked inside." Trent tried to leave.

I grabbed his arm. I don't think so. "Fine. I've been over this with Garrette and he gets it. We're done talking about this. It's not your fault either. Now let's go back."

Trent worries to much over me. And I wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend. He's actually loyal. But what can I say, he got laid three days ago and wanted to leave right after.

As we were walking back. I only stepped on the bowling balls that were on the carpet. The game all kids used to play.

"Hey. Nikki." Trent said quietly.


"Just remember I have a really good personality. Which means you have a really good looking guy friend." He winked at me.

"And what about Brandon?"

"Oh yeah and him too."

"Sometimes I worry about you Trent."

"And same for you."


I sat down on my couch with Garrette and we were having a conversation about he is the best at "everything" and I wasn't so sure of that.

"I guess we have to go back tomorrow." He turned on my TV and put his arm around me.

"Yeah I guess so." Garrette had his focus on the TV while I was thinking about what Trent told me. I took out my phone looking like I was going to do something but just just kept telling myself. No, you're not going to bring it up just have a good time. No more talk of it.


My stomach growled real loud. "Hey do you smell something?" I asked him.

"Neither do I, get cookin good lookin."
Smiling at him I knew he could make something good to make me full.

"Yes ma'am. What is your stomach telling you to eat?" He asked.

"I don't know. Something with noodles."

And there you have it. The reason why Nikki got jumped. I know I haven't updated this story in a long time but I'll try to. Even when it's a short chapter. If you have any suggestions on how this story should carry off just comment below or message me. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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