~12|"Lights Out"

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Garrettes P.O.V

I made sure that this would never happen again.

Loren is rinsing off all of the pressure that she had on her shoulders today. After what happened to her you couldn't imagine what's going through my head of what I'll do to those guys.

It's been a whole day and she didn't tell me what happened. That bruise wasn't even a bruise.

Me being a football player I'd know the difference between a broken bone and a bruise. That was no bruise.

I left her apartment to go to mines and see if Loren and the guys heard anything about this.

My chest vibrated my shirt as I slammed my door behind me. Sweat was dripping down the slide of my temples. And my hands couldn't stop shaking.

The three of them were watching some movie that was playing on the TV. They better not be watching the movies that I recorded.

"Hey where's Nikki?" Loren said as she moves her hair out of her face.

I just ignored her and went to turn off my TV.

"Did you guys know about what happened to her!?" Pointing down at the floor.

All of their faces were blank. More like shocked.

"And you guys didn't tell me?!"

Trent sat up, sighed, and looked up at me. "We didn't want to tell you because we knew she didn't. I knew that you'd be mad, it was better for her to tell you."

I started to pace around my apartment and I felt like I could punch the living hell out of a brick wall and break through it.

Alright Garrette calm down.

Walking back to my living room I saw their faces. They had the look on their face as if they never saw this side of me.

I haven't acted like this before...

Trent moved over and patted the open seat next to him. I sat down and rested my forehead on my hands.

"I think I know who it is." I said as Trent put his arm around me roughly.
"I think I know exactly who it is." Trent gave me a smirk and pointed at his head.

It was quiet for a few seconds which made me eager to know who did it.

"Well are you gonna tell me or not?!"

Every body that was inside the room was still. Imagine a rainy day with no wind and the trees and the ground was wet. Cars passing by rushing to get home.

Finally someone broke the silence. "It was Justin and Wren." Brandon looked down.

"You mean the two guys that would kiss anything that'd have pompoms?! Those two assholes!"

My blood was pumping and my adrenaline kicked in. The three of them had a concerned facial expression.

But that doesn't matter to me at the moment. I want to teach them a lesson that they'll never forget.

"Don't do anything stupid Garrette. Think of your spot in Football. If you swing they'll take you out in a split second." Loren went through her purse and took out something that I don't know what it was.

"No. I don't care! They know me as a soft hearted guy that is a mommys boy and I'm going to change their minds about me. I do not care Loren. She means everything to me."

I stood up and pointed at Brandon. "Dude what if someone beat Loren. What would you do?!"

He looked up with his eyebrows narrowed. "I'd do the same thing as you."

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