~6| Seeing Him Again

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It's 12 o'clock and I have this pounding sensation in my head. Well that's what I get for drinking.

I look at my phone, it's at 7%. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath. Then I looked at my notifications and I have 5 miss calls from my dad. "What else is gonna happen this morning? Afternoon."

I walked to my kitchen and opened up the medicine cabinet. I can't bare all of the loud sounds. Kids screaming at the park, people listening to music in their apartment, dogs barking. None of that is helping right now.

I pop an Ibuprofen in my mouth and gulp down a whole glass of water. I went back to my room to get my phone and I called my dad.

"Hey dad." I said in a soft tone.

"Hey Nik!" I took my phone away from my ear. "I've got good news."

"Mmhmmm and that is." Putting him on speaker phone so I can make my oat meal.

"I bumped into this really nice lady. Actually I didn't just bump into her." I stopped for a second. "I spilled my coffee on her."

"Dad, you can't just run into women and poor all of your coffee on them." I teased. I put my oat meal in the microwave.

"I get that. She ended up screaming at me. But then we had a small conversation after. I apologized and got her lunch and bought her a new shirt at a store near us. She's really nice. So I asked her on a date."

"Way to go Padre." Congratulating him.

"I'm telling you this because we both know that I don't know what to do when it comes to dates. Dressing nice to being nice."

"When are you guys meeting up again? What's her name?" Taking out my oat meal out of the microwave and I stir it.

"On Friday. Samantha."

"Okay on Wednesday we can go shopping or something. That should be enough time."

"Alright Nik. I can't believe I'm asking my daughter about this. It's been a while since your mother."

"Yeah dad I know. Don't forget, Wednesday. I'm going to eat my oat meal now."

"Alright old lady. Talk to you later alligator." He hung up the phone.

I'm glad that my dad found another person, lady, girl friend? But hopefully she is the right one for him.

When I was walking into the school I was on my phone on Instagram. It looks like everyone is getting ready for homecoming. Which I have no date for...I bumped into someone and I dropped my phone and my books on the floor.

I didn't bother to look who it was. "Sorry." I apologized.

"No I'm sorry." The person said.

It was Garrette. I looked into his eyes as he was helping me pick up my things. I put everything into my backpack. Brandon and number 23 was there too.

Brandon waved at me with a nice smile on his face. I did the same back.

"Damn it." I cracked my screen.

"I'm really sorry." Garrette apologized.

"For what? My phone or the girl?" I started to walk away and I heard Brandon and number 23 go "oh".

Garrette followed after me. "Both." He ran in front of me and stopped.

"I'm sorry that I didn't come to you sooner and explain. That's something I don't do. But you are hard to get."

"I'm something you probably don't want." I look into his eyes.

He comes closer to me. "You're all that I want." Then grabs my hands.

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