~4| Making Plans

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A month passed.

My dad kinda changed up his additude with everything. I don't know what made him do it but I think one of his decisions is to kick me out.

"Hey!" I heard from the back of me. It echoed through the halls. Garrette was running towards me.

"Hey garre-" he throws his arms out and hugs me tight. He nearly knocks me over so I hug him back tightly.

I love when he hugs me like that. I feel like I'm important to someone.

For those five seconds more I'm still in his arms and he's rocking me left to right. My face is buried in his chest. God his cologne smells good.

"I got good news. Our first Football game is coming up and I think you should come. That's if your dad'll let you go." He gives me a half smile.

"I'm pretty sure I can go. I'll take Loren with me. She enjoys to see hot guys run into each other on the field." We both laugh.

I close my locker and twist the lock to double check it's locked.

"Loren is weird. And there's no way around that." He says.

"Of course she is. But don't judge, that's not nice. She has those weird fetishes. I think that any guy who has muscles and puts them to work on the field is hot." I say.

"Like you." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" He's confused.

"Nothing." I look away from him. Smiling.

"I think I heard what you said it's alright. You'll see on Friday." Garrette smiles.

"We'll see." I say while smirking back at him.

" The first game is this Friday. It's a home game. I'll tell you when it starts, right now I have no clue."

He's always clueless. It's adorable when he is. Even the face he makes while he's clueless.

"Okay. Just let me know." I say.

A few people in the halls look at us and start whispering under their breath. It's starting to get annoying.

As I look back to Garrette he's already looking into my eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful. Like Hazel Graces eyes. They are a nice type of hazel." He says to me as he closes the space between me and him.

"Haha hey you, your funny. But Hazel Grace's eyes aren't even hazel smart one. But thank you" We both laugh. I give him a little punch on his left arm.

"Ouch. That really hurt Nikki." Making a baby face at me.

"You get hit harder then that during your games. So don't be complaining. Big baby." Going on my tippy toes as I say big baby and shaking my head.

"Hell yeah I do. Unless they are all girls like that one school that we played in the beginning of the season last year. They acted like we were playing flag football." He says.

"Haha I bet you guys had an easy win that game."

"We did! Surprisingly most of those guys went home with no broken bones."

"Damn. Is our football team that good?" I ask.

"With me? Yes." We both laugh.

"Yeah. My team knows what to do when it comes to winning." Garrette is looking all tough and serious.

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