~13|"I'm glad you guys are friends now."

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The 5 of us were in the family van on our way to the Bowling Alley. The bowling Alley was our first option and of course the pool was our last.

It was the start of the month were the weather became bipolar. In the morning it's nice and chilly, then in the middle of the day Satan is roaming the earth.

Then that brought it down that we can't go to the pool because it'll be too cold. So we are going to the bowling Alley.

For lunch Trent almost set my apartment on fire. He was trying to cook omelets and sausage for us but obviously he doesn't know how to cook. 

All of us had a bet for Trent that if he didn't mess up the third omelet then we could just eat at the Bowling Alley with us paying. But if he sets it on fire then he has to pay for all of us.

And guess what he did? He set the omelet on fire. Seriously though, how do you set an omelet on fire?

"This is why women are the ones who cook. Not the men." Trent explained.

"But Garrette can cook." I said. Everyone in the car 'oohed'.

Brandons face turned red. "It's okay broskie. You'll get there one day." Garrette hugged him.

Brandon laughed and shoved Garrette back into his seat. It was quiet for a few seconds in the car until Loren connected her phone to the Aux cord.

She stared at me giving me the look that she would play either an annoying song or a song that the both of us love.

'Time of our lives' by Pitbull started to play and Brandon and Loren were pumping their fits in the air along with the bass. Three pumps later Trent started doing it. Then did Garrette. Then me ending the ripple of fist pumps.

"I knew my rent was gone be late about a week ago!" All of us sang.

"Ooh I want the time of my life." I sang with Loren.

I'm not that type of person to sing out loud but I guess now I'm becoming confident. Not knowing a few months ago I wasn't like this.

Listening to the quote that comes from every parent "Hang out with the right people" really pays off. All you can do now is just live through the moments.

"Do you see this?" Garrette pointed at Loren and Trent.

"No..? What is it?"

"They aren't arguing." He took off his hat and put it on me.

"Oh. Wow that's the first. The both of them would go head over heals to start an argument together." Garrette held my hand.

"Hey guys! What happened?" You could barely hear my voice over the music.

Loren and Trent turned around and Brandon turned down the music. "What?" The both of them said in unison.

"You guys aren't arguing anymore." Garrette lifted his eyebrow.

"They made up last night after you came up stairs. We actually played a game that all of us would enjoy playing. Which was twenty questions." Brandon joined the conversation.

"Oh! How did that go?" Garrettes hat was a little too big for me so I fixed the clip in the back.

"First Loren went first. She asked me how much I loved her and that went on." Brandon continued.

Trent leaned back in the chair and rolled his eyes. "Being the third wheel is a pain in my ass."

Brandon took one hand off of the steering wheel. "But! Trent explained why he was such a jerk to Loren and that's why they they will no longer argue anymore. Right Babe?"

"Yeah." Loren said.

We got to the Bowling Alley and got an table to sit at. "I'm glad you guys are friends now." I hugged the both of them.

Garrette picked a lane while we went to go get shoes. "Wait we didn't pay for any of this." Loren hesitated to take the bowling shoes from the man.

I realized that too. Who is paying for all of this? Brandon came up to us and kissed Loren's head.

"Don't worry. I'd thought you guys knew that I get free passes here." Brandon had a warm smile.

"Would you look at that your boyfriend is the rich one." I took the two pairs of shoes that were on the table.

This was another reason we probably chose this place too because it was free. The only person here that's going to spend money is Trent. Boy doesn't know how to cook.

I started to put our names in the list. Nikki, Loren, Brandon, Garrette, and Chef as Trent.

"We love you Trent. Always know that!" I screamed. A family at the end of the bowling lane looked at me. They were changing their shoes so I guess they were leaving.

Even though it's a Saturday I'm surprised there wasn't many people. Children rolling two bowling balls down the lane when their parents told them not to and there would be that one table of adults who are obnoxiously loud. But not today. 

It was only us.

"You guy's ready to get your asses beat?" Loren yelled.

Really? Out of the three guys here, Loren was the first to say it. I'd expect Trent too. He didn't put his shoes on yet.

"Right right. Of course Loren would know how to hold balls." Garrette joked. He punched Brandons arm playfully. 

Brandon smiled at the floor knowing that he couldn't be wrong about that sentence. 

"Oh shut up." Loren gave me my bowling ball. "You're up."

Taking the ball out of her hands a short memory was brought into my mind when my dad took me out bowling. My dad wanted me to use the supporter for the bowling ball. But I didn't want to use it. When he put the bowling ball supporter away I turned around and swung my little arms.

I didn't let go of the ball so I flew with it. 

Hopefully it won't happen this time. I took a few steps swung my arm and let go of the ball making a strike. 

I turned around and screamed along with the other four who were screaming for me.

"Wow. Good job Nikki. I didn't know you were that good at this." Brandon congratulated me.

"I've had some prac-" Trent cut me off.

"He was being sarcastic." Trent said. Looking down at his phone.

"What's up with you?!" I screamed.

"Nothing. Just being honest."

"No, seriously. What's wrong?" I walked up to him.

"Dude. Garrette can you get your girl?" Trent put down his phone.

"She asked you a question. So answer it." Garrette said.

Trent grabbed my hand and led me towards the arcade.

"You wanna know what's wrong?"

"That's what I was asking you." I tilted my head.

"I think I was the reason you got hurt..."


Isn't this a wonderful way to end this chapter. Well that's all I have, only just to keep you back in track again because I haven't been updating frequently.

Please don't forget to vote or share with your friends. I'd appreciate that. :)

Love, Dom. 

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