~11| "Do you ever just shut up about that?"

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It's Saturday morning and I feel like I have bags under my eyes.

Last night was fun, even though I didn't start dancing towards the end. Being a party animal is hard.

My calves are sore from jumping to the beat of the music. But what would I know just from a first dance. I'll just catch on with Trent, Brandon, and Loren.

Let's just say everyone had fun and I think there was a hint of alchohol in the fruit punch bowl. Too much fun for one night.

While everyone was walking out of the gym to go home, Trent and Brandon were still dancing when the music stopped and the lights turned on.

Garrette had to yell at them at least three times to stop dancing and start walking to the car.

Garrette is like the big brother out of the three of them. That's how I put it. It's adorable how they listen to him.

I can just picture them as kids sitting down together near their teacher making trouble to each other.

Everyone just smashed in my apartment. Even though I have two extra bedrooms, everyone managed to sleep in my room. On my bed. Drowsy and everything.

I got up to see where everyone was and Garrette was sleeping on the floor and Loren was sleeping in Brandon's arms. That's what I think the both of them would be. Where's Trent?

If he is pigging out in my kitchen and eating all of my food I will not hesitate to smack him. Because. That. Is. My. Food.

But seriously where is he?

I leaned over slowly to look at my clock and it was ten o'clock. Then I looked down over my bed to look at Garrette. Oh yeah I'm not going to stare at his beautiful face until he wakes up.

Pshhh..that's not me. Sarcasm.

He didn't have a pillow or blanket or really anything to keep him warm. He was just wearing no shirt but black basketball shorts. Goodness gracious.

"Hey." I shook his shoulder.

He woke up instantly and looked right at me. His hair was a mess but it was a good mess.

"Hey." His morning voice is what every girl would be dieing to hear. "Your up already? Why so early?"

"I don't know." I said while lifting my shoulders.

"Scoot over please. My back is killing me."

I moved over slowly making sure I didn't wake the couple below me.

"Why did you sleep on the floor if you know that your back would hurt later?" He got under the covers. His skin touched mine. His eyes till closed. "Smart one."

"Because them two where hogging up the bed last night." He pointed down.

"Sorry I don't have a bigger bed. You should've pushed them off." I joked.

He opened his eyes just a little. "You can become so violent sometimes." He smiled, showing his teeth. And pulled me closer to him.

The warmth of his body made me warmer then I was before.

He softly kissed my nose. "Alright Princess. What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Out of all of the food dishes I love to eat I couldn't come up with a single lunch plate for him to make.

"Anything you can put together for all of us."

"Okay." He got up out of bed and grabbed Brandon's hair pulling it back. Garrette put his face near Loren and Brandon's face and whispered

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