~7| Homecoming Week

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Homecoming Week-Part 1

It's that big day for most freshmen. I can just hear them all. Oh my gosh its homecoming week!

I didn't even get to go two years ago. And I'm probably not gonna go this year either.

I'm staying over at Loren's house. Loren's mom makes the best dinner. If I would consider any women my second mom it would be her.

Not even my dad makes the best food. The best thing he made was burnt lasagna. Like how do you even burn lasagna? It's like pizza. Just take it out of the fridge and put it in the oven for just as long as the directions say.

I mean my dad isn't the best person in the world but at least he is still by my side.

"Nikki! Check your Twitter! I retweeted a picture and I think you might like it!" She was yelling all the way from the bathroom. She's been in there for 30 minutes. Longer then I have ever been.

I opened up twitter and pulled up the picture. It was a beautiful dress. It was a long silky white dress that had the girl who was wearing it had a nice fit to it. It showed how her body was shaped. It went holding onto her neck like an infinite sign which lowered down like a triangle down her chest. It had nice Jewels on it.

"You should find something like that for homecoming!" Loren yelled from her bathroom.

"It's really pretty but this is homecoming not prom!" I yelled back.

"Still! I think you should find a similar long dress like that for homecoming. And you are definitely going!"

"Why would I even go if I don't have a date."

"What?" She yelled back.

I face palmed my forehead. "I said why would I even-." She cut me off. "Don't even say that! Garrette is going to take you and there's no doubt for that!"

Oh yeah. Garrette. I can't believe I forgot about him.

"Yeah! Your boyfriend! Won't he be taking you?!"

"Yeah! Not yet he isn't!" The toilet flushed and I heard the sink turn on. She walked out of the bathroom and jumped onto the bed.

"He just needs to ask you out already." Loren said as she got onto her phone. "I'm pretty sure he planning everything out Loren." I said.

"Are you going to homecoming though?" She asked.

"It's all going to depend. Depend if I'm going to take the time and spend money. And depend if I'll even go with someone." I got under the covers. It's always cold in her house.

Loren did the same. "You can go with me." She took out a fake flower pen out of the jar on the dresser on her side of the bed and handed it to me.

I lifted an eyebrow at her. "And who's going to wear the tux?" We both started laughing uncontrollably. Her phone went off. I grabbed it before she did.

The collar ID said it was Brandon with the kissy face emoji. "Oh Loren it's your boyfriend!" She tried to grab the phone from me.

I answered it and put it on speaker. I held out my hand to stop Loren. "Nikki give it back!" She yelled.

"Hello this is Loren Handy Manny repairs shop. You break it..?"

"We fix it!" Brandon finished it off.

"Wow I didn't know that you would have finished that but okay props to you." I said to Brandon.

"I knew that you were at her house. She messaged me about it." He said laughing. I looked at Loren and she took her phone back. "Oh I'm going to get you back."

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