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Erin's pov

I look at max and smile a little as we pull up outside the house. "Are you sure you don't want come in for at least a little while." I ask him and he looks at me.

"Nah not tonight princess, I'm gonna try and do some digging on lando and see how he's feeling and what not. You can hopefully try and do the same but don't push her to much obviously" he says softly as he moves some hair out of my face.

"Okay that's fine, and I know I won't push her don't worry. I've known her long enough" I chuckle a little. "I better get inside and see what's going on then." I smile and he nods.

He leans in and kisses me softly. Placing a hand on my cheek and kiss him back. We both finally pull away.

"I'll see you later princess message me if you need anything" he smile as I get out the car and shuts the door.

"I will do, don't worry" I say before blowing him a kiss and going and opening the door I wave one last time before walking inside and shutting the door. I take my shoes off and walk up to my room to get changed into some pjs.

I walk down the hall to katelyns room and lean my ear on the door but nothing

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I walk down the hall to katelyns room and lean my ear on the door but nothing. She couldn't have been downstairs there was no sound coming from the living room. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and open the back down and there she was sat on the decking with the fire lit.

"Hey Kay you alright?" I ask her as I go and sit down next to her and sighs and shakes her head. "Talk to me" I say as she leans her head on my shoulder and pulls some blanket over me too.

" I don't know it's all just like a big blur to me. I keep getting memories of when I was younger and how my mom left. She she always said she'd always come for me... she just never did." She says quietly as I just listen "and it's thanks to her and my muppet of an ex boyfriend and our ex friend why I don't trust anyone."

I nod as I carry on listening . "And In the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody you cared about used to be. And don't need anymore holes in my heart because nobody stays around forever"  she's mumble and I swear I hear her sniffle.

I stroke her head and kiss her head gently. "I get that Kay, but you can't hold back and stay on pause because of your past. Yes you've been hurt, yes you was left to build yourself back up again and look at you. You've come out stronger then ever because your amazing like that." I say and she just stay quiet "and cutting yourself off from certain people when you start to feel things and I know you do. I can read you like a book Kay. Don't let that arsehole jack Sinclair stop you from meeting someone and falling hopelessly in love because having that person there day and night is the best feeling in the world" I say thinking back to max and smiling a little

She sits up and looks at me. Her eyes glassy and looking delicate as if one touch and she'd break.

"If you're talking about lando, it doesn't matter. I mean he's him after all. He can any girl in the world he wants with snap of his fingers. He'll get bored of me and just throw me to the curb like I was nothing. Like I was just a quick pit stop." She says and I just look at her.

"Listen to me Katelyn. Lando is nothing like that, once he's committed, he is well and truly committed to you and only you. I know he's only just met you, but I've know for what a year maybe 2 now and I can see the way he looks at you. He feels something and so do you." I say and look at her nodding just trying to get my point across to her.

She just stares at me and shakes her head. " it's doesn't matter. I'm not enough for him and deserve someone who is" she mumbles

"Now stop it seriously Katelyn. I hate when you talk about yourself like. It's annoys me and you know it. You are more then enough you just won't give a bloody chance." I sigh and shake my head.

She just shrugs at me and shake her head. "Can we just drop it for now please." She ask

"For now, we can but it's not over. Don't hide from you feelings just give it a chance" I say one last time before we move the conversation on.


After a while we both decided to call it night but I couldn't sleep. Max said he would call me about 11/half 11 and absolutely nothing. This is the first time he said he'll do something and not stuck too it. We always called when weren't together because it was one of the only ways I could actually sleep when he wasn't here with me. What can I say I'm a little attached to the lad.

I just don't get why he hasn't sent me a message at least to let me know he's all good and just say he's busy like how hard is that. I go on my phone and see a quadrant fan page and see that all the lads had been spotted out in town at a club with a few girls around them. I clench my jaw a little. I'm never been the jealousy type or the controlling type but why the hell couldn't he just message saying he's  going out.

I stare at the picture making sure nothing that shouldn't be happening was in any of them. I sigh thankfully there wasn't anything there shouldn't have been in the first place.

I message him

I message him __________________________________

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If you were going out tonight, you couldn't have at least let me know so I wasn't up waiting for you to call or so I wasn't worried sick and thinking the worst.



I shake my head and sigh Turing my phone. Arsehole. I get into bed and cuddle into the side he had been sleeping on and slowly fall into a light sleep.

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